Jacqueline Hernandez

5 posts

Jacqueline Hernandez Workshop II

Some of us like to eat and drink food that has sugar in them and that’s understandable. We sometimes don’t see how bad it can get to us and see how it can not make us productive. We have to be knowledgeable about what we eat and drink because it will affect us later on if it continues. Maintain with what you do in your daily life and cut less sugar to have a good mental and physical well-being! #NOTOSUGAR #PickwhatyouEat #PickwhatyouDrink #StayHealthy 

Jacqueline Hernandez – Group Formatting

  • When are you available to meet outside of class?

I am available to meet in the afternoons or night of the weekday and Saturdays and Sundays. You can contact me through Email, Whatsapp, Discord.

  • Which skills can you bring to the team?

I can do photoshop, some with illustrator, HTML, and CSS. I also used Figma as well.

  • Are you comfortable leading or have you led a group team like this before?

I’m not a leader type but can be organized and can be technical if needed.

  • What is your major?

My major is Multimedia Programming and Design.

  • What are your career goals?

My career goal is to do more Graphic Design and see where can take me in the future.

  • What grade are you seeking to get on this project?

I would to get a great grade for this.

  • Are you the kind of person who works through the semester steadily or seeks to complete everything right before the assessment is due?

I put my mind to this if I’m under pressure and need to get the project done and would prefer to send in the project a few days before the due date.

  • What social cause are you interested in? This could be a general subject (i.e: the environment) or a more specific topic (i.e: Cleaning up the Gowanus canal).

I would be interested in Environmental impact in our everyday lives. How we can change what we do every day just to help everyone out.