A video recording of the synchronous sessions for the week will be uploaded after each class to this folder (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s8lpbwnw768exvp/AAD_wCFERsLKwgi2EAHeBdGya?dl=0) (the password can be found on the “Welcome” page of this course’s Blackboard site – email me if you can’t find it)
Group meetings
This week, you will meet with your campaign projects group during class time to debrief on your pitch deck feedback and discuss next steps. I will meet with each group. Please start by asking yourselves the following questions:
Based on the feedback you received…
- Does your topic need to be refined/narrowed? If so, what do you want to focus on? Can you summarize the goal/topic in one sentence?
- Which media components do you want to keep/swap/change?
- Do you feel well informed on your subject matter? Gather a list of resources with relevant data, articles, social media accounts etc. to use or cite.
- Are you confident you can execute what you are proposing to create? Do you have the required technical skills? Make a list of things you may need help with.
- Is your group dynamic working? If not, how can you improve it and ensure everyone has a clear role, and weekly tasks.
Digital media workshop I: Makers for Change with Jonathan Gao
Please register at: https://bmcc-cuny.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqdO2rrTsiEtBE4thBWKbV6WxnmuvF3ohb
Follow the instructions on the “Week 4 – Workshop I” page.