Daily Archives: March 9, 2022

19 posts

Aaliyah Gayle workshop II

The pyramids may be a mystery but the effects of processed foods and sugars are no conspiracy.
Cooking more homemade meals, limiting carbs, and including more protein and vegetables on your dinner plate create the best and healthiest version of yourself, that can decipher any hieroglyph.
So, take a bite out of life and those carrots and start eating healthier TODAY!
#healthy #PyramidPride

Melissa Vargas – Workshop II

Do you want to have a healthier lifestyle?
Let’s start eating more whole foods, fruit, and vegetables and fewer processed foods. Begin by eating at home more often and preparing food in healthy ways. Share your healthy journey with us, tag @eatingclean.nyc. #EatingCleanNYC #cleaneating #healthy #lifestyle

Jacqueline Hernandez Workshop II

Some of us like to eat and drink food that has sugar in them and that’s understandable. We sometimes don’t see how bad it can get to us and see how it can not make us productive. We have to be knowledgeable about what we eat and drink because it will affect us later on if it continues. Maintain with what you do in your daily life and cut less sugar to have a good mental and physical well-being! #NOTOSUGAR #PickwhatyouEat #PickwhatyouDrink #StayHealthy