Xenia – Group Forming

  1. When are you available to meet outside of class?

Mondays righter after class until the evening, Tuesday-Friday: after 6 PM, weekends all day.

2. Which skills can you bring to the team?

I’m comfortable with Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Prototyping in Figma; everything related to graphic design. I am also comfortable with organizing.

3. Are you comfortable leading or have you led a group team like this before?

Yes, I am comfortable with leading. Last semester I did have an organizing role for a team of 3 for a web development class.

4. What is your major?

Multimedia Programming and Design

5. What are your career goals?

I am aspiring to work as a graphic designer, I like illustrating in Illustrator and also have a passion for layouts. I am also open to work in the UI/UX field.

6. What grade are you seeking to get on this project?

I am aiming for an A and I hope I can use this group work for my portfolio. 

7. Are you the kind of person who works through the semester steadily or seeks to complete everything right before the assessment is due?

I am always aiming to finish my assignments on time and hand them in by the due date.

8. What social cause are you interested in? 

 I am interested in the compost topic.

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