Week 1 – Portfolio (Step 1)

For instructions on how to submit a post, please follow these instructions: https://openlab.bmcc.cuny.edu/mmp460-f23/posting-on-open-lab/. FORMATTING FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT: Use the title format “[FirstName] [LastName] portfolio step 1” and select the Category “Week 1 – Portfolio (Step 1)”

Gather, organize and describe (see Portfolio checklist section on week1 of the class website) the projects you want to feature in your portfolio. Make sure each file has a meaningful name (i.e: NOT untitled1.jpg). Create a Word or Google Doc document for the descriptions and “About” section (case study is optional). Everything should be placed in a single folder and shared via URL in the Reply box of this discussion.

If you are already using an online platform for your portfolio, you may submit the URL instead of the folder described above. Make sure each piece has a description. Include any piece that currently isn’t on your site and that you are thinking of adding.

This is the first step of the portfolio assignment (worth 15% of your total grade – see grading rubric here). In the coming weeks, you will edit and format your work. The final version is due on week 14. You will be asked to show progress on this project throughout the semester.

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