
One Piece World Seeker: Genre and Setting

One Piece World Seeker is a game based off action and adventure witch takes place inside of a pirate world. So a lot of the times you will encounter enemy pirate bases that contain battle ships that contains armed pirates from the enemy pirate kingdoms.
Other visual settings that are apart of the genre is small villages and farm lands that indicates the common lifestyle that people live in this pirate world.
One of the most creative elements in the settings relating to genre are the different islands that exist in the pirate world. Like in this picture shown this is a stage called sky island witch is a basically a bunch of grass lands that are above the clouds.

Character Design: Magneton

This is the variant that ill be using and its most likely the most realistic because it carries more detail and its less simplistic than the other variants due to the fact that it has for features to its design.
This second variant falls in between the first variant and the third variant. Its not too simplistic or too detailed.
This is the third variant witch is to least realistic. the reason why it falls at the lowest level its because it doesn’t have much detail to it. Its simplified to a basic level whee it will be easier to utilize.
Stance Animation
Jump Animation
Walking Animation

Blog Assignment

One Piece World Seeker

Image result for one piece world seeker final boss name

One Piece World Seeker is an open world story mode based game that was inspired by the anime One Piece. It was released in march 14th, 2019. The Goal for this game is to simply reach the antagonist at the end of the game who goes by the name of Issac.

Image result for one piece world seeker upgrades
Through out the progression of the game you will be awarded skill points by each mission that you complete which you invest the skill points in upgrading your skillset to improve your strength and fighting style.
Image result for one piece world seeker luffy haki mode
Luffy is equipped with three modes in the game, stealth mode, Armored Haki mode, and an ultimate form called Boundman mode witch is very powerful but also very limited.
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When you defeat a boss in each chapter of the story mode the next will become more challenging to defeat that the one you faced before.
Image result for one piece world seeker all bosses
One Peace World Seeker is one of my favorite games because is really fun and also creative in a sense where many situations you run into the game will require you to be unique in the choices you make.