Assignments Blog Assignment

User Testing Result for Metal Jacket

Result from the survey:

Some people complain the game has a little controllability issues, something that I’m afraid of before the game went live. I will try to fix this by optimizing the collision model.

The respond for pathfinding is in the range where I’d like.

I want my game to be a little challenging, but adding a few more platforms won’t hurt.

One person said improve calligraphy is pretty funny but I just need them to funtion nothing more.

Metal Jacket needs more polishing but I like the result.

Again, reports of jumps being difficult. Will address that.

I noticed the 3rd level has a impossible jump too. I will fix that. I wish I can give the tanks more intractions like shooting their cannons and missles. But for the sake of time I can’t do anything about it.

Improvements to do list:

Collision optimization

Difficulty and jumps

Imppsible jumps in 3rd level

Assignments Midterm Production Assignment

Metal Jacket – Midterm

Start of the game
Taking down a enemy
Collecting rewards
Game over screen
Main menu
Assignments Production Assignment

Obstacles and Rewards

I imagine the game set in the middle of a desperate battle. Same as my character, the enemy will also have tanks and other war machines.

Enemy tank
Enemy plane

One of the game’s goal is to rescue friendly soldiers that are wounded. I took inspiration from the movie “Fury.” There is a scene where a squad of tanks uses the body of their tank to cover infantry to safe places.

Wounded friendly guy
Assignments Production Assignment

Platforms and Scenery

Main stage:

Elements in the scene:

Backgroun mountain
Background Sunset

Assignments Blog Assignment

Syobon Action Commentary

What are the goals, obstacles, and rewards of the game?

The goal of the game is to reach the end of each level. Obstacles are roaming enemies and unexpected ambushes. The reward is that you get to unlock the next level. As well as the satisfaction of concurring the level.

How does the game play with expectations of the platformer video game genre?

Most platformer games show you the obstacles right of the back. They only mean to test players’ skills. In Syobon Action the game throws unexpected traps at you and expects players to replay the level over and over and eventually master the level.

What genre would you apply to this game?

I will say Syobon Action is a hardcore platform game.

What comment is the game making on video games in general? Is it making a comment or is it just a joke?

Syobon Action definitely has elements of humor. However, I don’t think it is a satire on anything. It has its own character and unique difficulty curve. I think it is a comment on action video games that tells video game developers a lesson that difficult games can be great fun.

At the end of the first level, halfway walking up to the stairs, 4 enemies will drop from the sky and walk toward you. ruining your day.

Right after that, the game throws another fact approaching yellow missile at you if you don’t jump quick enough you will be sent back to the start of the level. It really doesn’t want you to finish the level.

This game really goes beyond players’ expectations by allowing your enemy to utilizing your item so you can continue the level. It is funny and really does add some puzzle-solving into the mix.

Assignments Production Assignment

Character Design

This is my character, a tank. I took inspiration from the classic arcade game Metal Slug and the real-world model of the Soviet T-34.

Thank in motion:


Assignments Blog Assignment

Total War: Warhammer 2 – Genre and Setting

Total War: Warhammer 2 is a real-time strategy game created by
Creative Assembly. This game has multiple layers of gameplay that involve different genres. This is why I think it is a good choice for this assignment.

Arguably the main portion of the game – campaign mode is the one worth discussing. Upon selecting the faction or race you want to play as. You will dive into the vast imaginary Warhammer world with many different other factions around you. As shown in the picture, you will decide where your army goes to represented by the single large-scale character on the map. As well as the direction of where you want your faction to develop. It is essentially a chess game mixed with business simulation.

In this game, you have more options to win than making your army stump on your enemy. You have the option to use diplomacy to seek help, profit even demands confederation with foreign factions if your sheer military percent and political pressure is strong enough.

Now the most exciting part of the game is the battle scene. When yours and a hostile army clash you can control your troops in battle. In this game, the variety of the units and the scale of the battle relative to the details that it has is truly unheard of. Creative Assembly has been producing Total War games for decades. The experience they brought to this game combined with the fascinating Warhammer Fantasy lore framed out an immersive and exquisite game experience.

Blog Assignment

Goals, Obstacles, Rewards in DoorKickers2

This game is “DoorKickers2” It is an up-down real-time tactical game about commanding a special force squad completing missions.

The Goal of the mission is stated at the beginning of each mission. For example, this mission requires me to extract a VIP, it also has an optional approach to kill all of the hostiles, providing an extra layer of tactic option.

The obstacle of the mission is clearly the enemies that will shoot my troops when they see me. The means I have to overcome this obstacle is plentiful. My troops can straight-up gun them down buy that will risk them getting shot and dies. If I lose troops not just my mission rating will go down I also have a higher chance to lose the mission. This is where the interesting part of the game comes in. Planning and executing, using tools that the game provided me to win the game.

The reward is simple. If I accomplish a mission with no troop down and no collateral damage then I will receive 3 stars. Star acts as a progression tracker as well as currency for me to upgrade my troops with better gears.