Here are the Scenery for dark world it fits in to the game world because was trying to do a dark mood for my game
obstacles For dark world
Reward for dark world
All of the characters here are part of the game called Dark world it takes place in ruin area where you have to survive and collect eye souls to live if not you will die.
The Goal of the game is to try to reach for the end without getting killed by the monsters. The obstacles of the game is the cat monsters that is trying to stop you to reach your goal. The genre of game that i would put it under is a rogue-like game because you always dying and coming back to the beginning. The game is making a comment that some hard games can be fun at time.
Demon Monster
The Genre that I picked was MMORPG that stands for Massively multiplayer online role-playing game. The game that I chose was World of Warcraft one of the biggest MMO in the world.
1.Narrative- You are a Adventurer that explorer the world of Azeroth with other billon Adventurers.
2. Puzzles- The puzzles for wow is there raids you have to know what are the bosses move sets to move to the next part of the raid.
3.Exploration- The exploration for wow is to live your inner adventurer dream in the beautiful world of Azeroth. Explore, Fight and collect cool armor and mounts in the world of Azeroth.
Blue Demon
The game I played was Borderlands 3 made by GearBox Software and 2K . It is a first person shooter looter game with exploration in the game. The year the game was made 2019.
The Goal of the game was to kill the calypso twins because they are trying to unlock the final vault. To absorb the vault monster to gain ultimate power.
The obstacle towards our goals is the psycho bandits that always trying to kill you. Because they worship twins they won’t let no one hurt they’re gods.
The Reward in the game is to obtain Great Epic loot by killing the enemies in the game.