In Demon Hunter, your main objective is to collect all 5 coins in order to complete the level.
The demons are obstacles that can stop you from reaching your goal. Coins are placed in some tricky locations, so be careful!
Falling to your death or dying from the demons can result in a death screen.
You will be greeted with a “You Win” screen once the objective is complete!
The goal of the game is basically to reach the end of the level. Obstacles are hidden enemies and troll platforming. The rewards are to beat the level while maintaining your sanity.
2. How does the game play with expectations of the platformer video game genre?
The game plays pretty well despite being a complete troll of a Mario game. Platforms can disappear randomly and enemies spawn or come out of nowhere to piss you off. Overall, with lots of trials and errors and precise timing, you will get by.
3. What genre would you apply to this game?
The genre would be a 2D platformer.
4. What comment is the game making on video games in general? Is it making a comment or is it just a joke?
I believe this game is meant to be a joke due to the unfairness and the fact that it’s a parody Mario game. The fact that it’s extremely difficult, yet hilarious draws people in and makes it a fun experience overall.
The game will take place at the night, where you will hunt down and slay monsters and traverse across a range of enemies.
Moon: I added a moon to help show that its late.
Stars: Also added to give a sense of fear and quietness.
Tallgrass: Enemies will be hidden amongst the tall grass, where you will be traversing.
Fog: Lots of fog will around to make it even more of a freighting game.
Sky: I added the sky to resemble a dark and scary night in the middle of the woods.
The Game I choose was Nier: Automata. Nier: Automata is a 2017 action role-playing game developed by PlatinumGames and published by Square Enix. The genre of Nier is a hack and slash JRPG.
2. Combat- Nier: Automata is full of enemies and bosses in the game. You can unlock a variety of weapons and different playstyles in this hack and slash title. For example, enemies such as robots that have taken over this abandoned earth are the main source of the hack and slash component of Nier.
3. Exploration- There’re tons of different areas to explore in Nier, some areas very dull and deserted and others full of joy and happiness. Nier offers a wide variety of things to explore and look at. For example, the game is filled with hidden items and hidden NPCs that are worthwhile if you are able to find them.
I played Nier Automata from 2017. It is an action role-playing game developed by PlatinumGames and published by Square Enix. The game was originally a Playstation exclusive title but has made its way to Xbox and PC players soon after.
The main goal of the game is to eliminate machines so humans can return back to earth. (Humanity is extinct)
The game is filled with obstacles such as bosses, enemy androids, and machines that all try to get in your way of fulfilling your duty to reclaim their homeland.
The rewards you get can vary between acquiring more mods for your character, leveling up, finding better/rarer weapons in the game. Further exploration can reveal the dozens of hidden endings that this game has to offer. You can even buy all the achievements in the game once you complete it through a secret NPC.
Nier Automata is an underrated masterpiece and I recommend anyone and everyone to try it. Nier has one of the best video game soundtracks I have ever heard in a video game and has a very compelling storyline.