1) The goal of Syoban Action is to make it to the goal, laid out in the first level of Super Mario Bros. Your job is to avoid obstacles and reach the flag pole.
2) As a platformer, the basic controls are moving from left to right to position yourself. Jump over obstacles that get in your way. simple, but the way the game makes you abide by its rules pulls a twist on the platforming genre.
3) If I could apply the game to another genre, I’d say an indie game. It’s made separately from any triple-A developers.
4) The game itself is paying homage to classic platformers while also giving itself its own identity.
Author: Daniel E. Mejia
Guilty Gear – Genre and Setting
I’ll be focusing on the Guilty Gear franchise, a fighting game series by Arc System Works. The first game was published in 1998 and has continued to make sequels and spinoffs. The game I’d like to focus on is the second installment Guilty Gear XX.
Guilty Gear’s aesthetic comes from its heavy metal influence. The character select screen makes it abundantly clear the edgy and violent feel of the game, and the characters reflect the feel.
As a fighting game, the characters have to contrast with the backgrounds in order to stick out during gameplay. Along with the characters on the screen, a health bar and super meter is kept in a place where it’s visible at all times regardless of the character’s position. They maintain an essential part of the mechanics of the game while still staying true to the games narrative of rock and metal.
The world of Guilty Gear is a mix of both the new and old, with the in-game lore exploring magic and ancient artifacts that give people power. Despite the simple premise of a fighting game, the creators made it clear to its audience that there is indeed a story behind it.
Character Design: Jam and Yuka
These are my latest new characters, Jam and Bam. Jam will be the playable character, whereas Bam is the rival.
The game I played most recently was The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, released in 2015 on Steam, Playstation 4, and Nintendo 3DS.
The main goal is to choose one of eleven characters and beat the final boss, while choosing diverging paths in order to get a different ending. There are 20 endings in total. Every ending unlocks more areas, bosses, and items as you progress.
The obstacles in-game are hordes of enemies that attack you in every room you enter. They gradually become more difficult as you progress, and change depending on the area. At the end of each stage there is a boss you have to defeat in order to progress.
Your reward for progressing comes in the form of items. There are over 200 + items in-game, each giving a different effect towards the player. Items can also stack and synergize to create a new experience every playthrough. Each boss fight, every encounter, and every path you choose will leave you with an item to further your build.