- The goal in Syoban Action is to reach the end of the game, the obstacles are the various traps and enemies the player must avoid, and there is really no conventional reward except the satisfaction of beating the game since it is excruciatingly difficult.
2. Because the game is designed to look like Mario it gives the player a sense of familiarity about how it should work. The game plays with expectations with cleverly hidden traps that most platformers would not use.
3. Aside from being a platformer I think that this game could fit in the puzzle genre since it requires experimenting to figure out each following move.
4. Syobon Action is a commentary on the gradual decline in difficulty video games have shown over the years. Big game companies tend to make games generally easy in order to reach a wider demographic. Indie games on the other hand can provide a much more challenging experience since they don’t fall into this trend.
Unexpected Moments:

In other platformers enemies don’t usually spawn from item boxes. At least not so early on in the game

I was expecting the cloud to just be part of the background but it turned out to be a hidden trap.

Reaching the flag generally marks the completion of a level so I did not expect for there to be a trap at the end as well.