The story centers around a viral zombie outbreak in the city of Harran, whereas a man named Kyle Crane, an undercover GRE operative, was sent on a mission to infiltrate the quarantine zone and to locate a man by the name of Rais. Then, he becomes faced with the decision on whether to save all survivors or seeing his mission through.
While playing as Crane, players are faced with having to kill zombies and human enemies. When nighttime hits, players will have to use Crane’s “Survivor Sense” to avoid detection by the infected. If the players is right within the infected zombie’s vicinity, the infected senses will trigger and start attacking players. A colossal group of zombies will be drawn to loud noises that are scattered across the city, so players will have to run, arm traps to reduce the number of zombies, or stay on the rooftops.
Players are given a wide variety of options to choose from. They can kill zombies and search the bodies for money, items to craft new weapons, or valuables (cigarettes, pouches, money, etc.) that they can sell to earn more money. Chests, lockers and doors are scattered throughout the city. While some can easily be opened, others will require a lockpick. When players take on side quests, continue with the main story, claim air drop supplies, or save random survivors, they will be rewarded with new weapons, money, weapon blueprints, or exp. points for their character’s level and attributes.