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Goals, Obstacles, Rewards in Overwatch

The game I played recently is Overwatch on the PS5. It is a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter game that came out in 2016.

The goals of each match is determined by whichever map you’re playing. For example, in this screenshot, this map is called Hollywood which is an Hybrid map. The goal is for the attackers to capture the payload and escort it to the destination before the time is up. The defending team has to stop the payload getting to the destination until the time is up.
The obstacle in this game is to fight against another team and stop them from attacking/defending. In this screenshot, I’m playing a Control map and I had to defeat all the enemies at point to capture it.
The rewards are gaining XP to level up. Also medals (Gold, Silver and Bronze) are given to the top three best-performing members of a team and they are given based on the categories on the final scoreboard: Eliminations, Objective Kills, Objective Time, Damage Done, Healing Done.

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