Title: Three Brothers Visit Paris

Semester/Year: Spring 2024

Software: Adobe Photoshop

I wanted to make something funny and surreal, so I put three frogs in Versailles also, I added glowing eyes for dramatic effect and added text. This is supposed to be a portrait of the three brother frogs. I’ve been to Versailles once and thought I could use that setting for my project, but I still wanted it to be funny, so I used frogs i looked for pictures where the frogs had a lot of personality in their expressions. I wanted to create something so ridiculous that it would catch somebody’s eye immediately, and fog in a castle with glowing eyes does just that.  I used four images total the background image of the hall of mirrors and the three frogs i added the eyes in the effects portion i used your video and also YouTube to help me create the eyes i used the crop feature as well to cut out my frogs and place them in the image. The hardest part was getting the eyes to “glow.” It was a lot harder than I had imagined. I used some YouTube tutorials to learn to do it. It still required a lot of trial and error to make it look right though. 


Title: Obey

Semester/Year: Spring 2024

Software: adobe ilistartor

This is supposed to be a reinterpretation of the classic Obey poster logo featuring Andre the Giant, but I used a frog instead of Andre the Giant. I wanted to continue with the theme of frogs from the other project in this one, too. I chose black and white and red because it was the color template of the original poster, and I wanted people to recognize that it was a reinterpretation of the original immediately and keeping the color scheme was part of that. I had to figure out a way to create a frog in a similar style as the original poster. If the style was too different, then people would associate this poster with the original. That was the hardest part, keeping things in a similar art style. I hadn’t used Illustrator before, so getting the shapes I wanted and keeping things secretarial was somewhat difficult. Considering I’ve never used this program before, I’m very pleased with how it came out.  One issue I had was when I was creating the image and layering the elements. I kept accidentally modifying things that were against and underneath the elements I was trying to edit. I had to spend some time organizing my layers and de-conflicting my layers to work better without mistakenly editing elements that were where I wanted them.

My podcast audio

The Kate Amrani podcast

spring 2024

software: Audacity

Join with me for the energetic vibe, happiness, food- because who doesn’t love food especially when its party and food. Grab a pita bread and break a plate because this is what you do here.

for my audio podcast i used music from free music archive.


laugh.mp3 by smartxxd , Creative Commons 0, free August 11th, 2014

Plate Break 1.wav by, Creative Commons 0. free March 31st, 2021

Fata Morgana (Mirage) 2.wav by zagi2, Attribution NonCommercial 4.0. , free , September 6th, 2015

Apollo89 – taverns, street, chatter, people, ambience, athens, greece.wav by Apollo89, Creative Commons 0, free , August 26th, 2022

My Self Portrait Final

Part 1: Rastor

Title: Things That Make Me Happy

Semester/Year: Spring 2024

Software: Adobe Photoshop

Description: For my self portrait i included the things that make me happy in my everyday life. I added the cat sleeping because it reminded me of my cat and i enjoy seeing him sleep in my room. The jukebox was originally supposed to be a record player but i wasn’t able to find a good photo so i used a jukebox instead and i it also shows that i enjoy history especially the mid 20th century. The retro gaming poster is to show my love for games both old and new.

Part 2: Vector

Title: Surprised Robot

Semester/Year: Spring 2024

Software: Adobe Illustrator

Description: I chose a make a robot because there’s this song i have been listening too lately that sounds like its sung by a robot. I chose blue and orange as my colors because they compliment each other. I added the gradient in the background because i thought it looked too plain. I wrote MMP 100 in a silly font and distorted it to contrast with the solid and sharp robot. The hardest part for me was adding the gradient and finding how to add a color to it.

Image Credits:

Bedroom by Magallanes, Terry. CC License. Pexels. July 8th, 2019.

gray tabby cat sleeping on beige fleece textile by Unknown. CC License. Pickpik. No date.

Jukebox Wurlitzer Retro by Landsiedel, Georg. CC License. Flickr. January 14, 2018

retro gaming charm:pixelated hero by midgptjourney. CC License. Deviantart. Mar 27, 2023.

Self-Portrait Final

when I think about myself I picture stars and grungy aesthetics. I’m into astrology and am fascinated with the stars. I always struggled with my religion, not knowing and communicating my beliefs. I struggled with being an atheist or Christian. That’s why there’s an angel and church in the back. The girl represents me and my thoughts. I used a color overlay with the dissolve blend mode to give it a static effect to show my grainy thoughts.

Software: Photoshop



Background with Red Cross in the back

Star with spiral


My Self Portrait


Spring 2024


For my self portrait, I wanted to focus mainly on things that gain air time. I wanted my self portrait to display the beauty of fly things. I used some tools like fx to blend and make it look as realistic as possible.

Image Credit:

Background – “Pixels Talk”×1080.jpg&ehk=hQzPW7PZMRmNSlTgkm1V0lR4FopZ7yGKJtUMRedf8wM%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0

Car with wings – ” Free Patents Online” , Jalopnik


Flying jet pack – Bernd Debusmann Jr

Fishing – Ivan Mahileuchyk


Airplane – Source:

MMP 100 Logo

Spring 2024


I used illustrator to try and be creative with a class logo design. The whole purpose of my logo was to not make sense at all. I used different colors and shades.

Image Credits (Re-upload)

I saw that my links weren’t opening up so I’m reuploading so this time they might work.

“cat” by 2happy. Creative. Stockvault. April 18, 2011.

“back view of orange cat sitting on pavement” by Wikimedia Commons. Free CCO image for Personal and Business use. Rawpixel. (no date).

“NYC – MoMa: Claude Monet’s Reflection of Clouds on the Water-Lily Pond” by Gobetz, Wally. (domain not mentioned). Flickr. June 18, 2007.

My Self Portrait (Final)


Title: Two Cats in a Museum

Spring 2024

Software: Adobe Photoshop

Description: I added 2 images of cats in an image of a museum. The reason I chose this is because I absolutely love cats and I also like going to museums, so I thought I should composite the two together. I added adjustments of shadows, highlights, exposure etc. to the cats images to blend them together better with the museum image. I also added a filter to the picture. I think it was harder at first but as I added adjustments I got a little comfortable using the software.


Title: A smiling cat

Spring 2024

Software: Adobe illustrator

Description: A used light pink color for the background and drew a simple cat face that is smiling. Again, I love cats so this idea instantly came to my mind. To be honest, using Illustrator in the beginning was hard for me, especially the pen and shapes tool. I searched for tutorials on YouTube and was able to understand the basics and thankfully was able to complete my project.

Image credits:

“cat” by 2happy. Creative. Stockvault. April 18, 2011.

“back view of orange cat sitting on pavement” by Wikimedia Commons. Free CCO image for Personal and Business use. Rawpixel. (no date).

“NYC – MoMa: Claude Monet’s Reflection of Clouds on the Water-Lily Pond” by Gobetz, Wally. (domain not mentioned). Flickr. June 18, 2007.

Self Portrait Project Final

Self Portrait Project Final

Spring 2024

Adobe Photoshop

For my self portrait, I featured some specific symbols and images to describe myself and my hobbies. Unfortunately, most of my hobbies involve heavily copyrighted material; so there was a challenge in trying to find the proper images to communicate to everyone.

The Television: My love of animation started as a child viewing television weekday afternoons and on Saturday mornings.

The Comic Panels: Reading a comic strip daily in the newspaper, and then later, amassing my own comic book collection. This is where I developed a fondness, not just for the art, but for storytelling as well.

Game Controller: I’m old enough to remember videogame arcades in every mall (remember those?), inside every corner store/bodega and have seen the rise and fall of several videogame companies. I’ve played (and still have) all of my game systems, from an Atari 2600 to my PlayStation 5.

Lucky the Dog: All of these items are being watched over by my dog Lucky. Lucky is now 16 years old and has been by my side as I have read, watched or played away my leisure time for most of his life.

Not too much in the way of effects on this project, as the void of space and the contrast of a white dog doesn’t leave much room for added filters. I wanted to do a blend effect with the 3 images bursting forth from star shapes; but to my disappointment, that effect isn’t on Photoshop. At least that I know of at my current skill level.


Lucky the Dog – Gabriel Ruiz (hey, that’s me!)

Background – “The Milky Way” Felix Mittermeier CC0 1.0 DEED Wikimedia Commons – August 29th, 2017

Controller – “Video Game Controller” Larissa Mancia CC0 1.0 DEED Wikimedia Commons – March 7th, 2018

Comic Page – Helen Tosh CC0 1.0 Public Domain

Television – “Vintage TV” Tsipilevin CC0 1.0 DEED

MMP Logo aka “What happens when you’re diabolical and out of money; so you order your Minions from Wish or Temu”

Spring 2024

Adobe Illustrator

Using shapes and gradient in illustrator to experiment. I was interested in how the rounding of corners and blending of colors can create an illusion of 3D shapes on a 2D canvas. (or so I tried)

My Self Portraits


Title: Self Portrait

Semester/Year: Spring 2024

Software: Photoshop
I chose a vase for the base of my self portrait because I wanted to fill it with all of the things that I feel like have represented me lately, and also I really enjoy ceramic vases. I recently broke my ankle and it has affected every part of my life, so an x-ray is there along with some art tools, nail art (which has become a new hobby of mine while being temporarily disabled). I also put a dog in the background because my dog is always around. Lastly I added a little slug mainly because I thought it was funny. I combined a total of 8 images.


Title: Self Portrait

Semester/Year: Spring 2024

Software: Adobe Illustrator

I chose bright and neon colors because that is how I feel on the inside: very colorful and different from each other but somehow they go together well. I feel like I have an eclectic set of interests. I was inspired by my literal face shape and hair style. The most challenging part of this project was the fact that I accidently deleted it when I was done because the software crashed and then I didn’t save the recovered file before closing out. I tried to remake it as best I could but I just don’t think I reached the level of creativity and texture that I had in the deleted version unfortunately.


“Selective Focus Photography Of Sunflower”  by Sayles, Brett Sayles. CC License. Pexels. Sep 10th, 2018.

“A Hands with Nail Polish” by cottonbro studio. CC License. Pexels. August 5th, 2020.

“Trimalleolar Ankle Fracture Xray” by Mintz, Chaim. CC License. Wikimedia. February 1st, 2017.

“Shallow Focus Photo of Paint Brushes” by Deanna Arts. CC License. Pexels. April 8th, 2017.

“Photo of green leaf plant in pot” by Unlisted. CC License. Pickpik. Date Unknown.

“Selective focus on dog nose” by LUM3N. CC License. Freerangestock. Date Unknown.

“Yarn with Crochet Hooks” by Harrison, Davina. CC License. Flickr. January 3rd, 2014.

“The free high-resolution photo of slug” by Unknown. CC License. PXHere. September 22nd, 2018.