My Animation: Happy

Title: The Happy Ball

Spring 2024

Software: Adobe After Effects

I chose to animate the emotion “Happy”. I tried to use some bright colors for the mood, and introduced the square as well. I wanted to work on timing and fading in the animation to make things go as smooth as possible. It was easy for me to go from thinking I understand Adobe After Effects to being completely lost. There are a lot of moving parts to keep track of but overall I enjoyed working with the program.

Categorized as Animation

My Animation: Anxiety

Title: Anxiety

Spring 2024

Software: Adobe After Effects

I chose to animate anxiety by showing a snowball fearing his inevitable death.

My Animation Anxiety

Title: Anxiety

Spring 2024

Software: Adobe After Effects

For my Animation I chose “Anxiety”. I used a square and a circle morphing into each other to show a anxious mindset constantly thinking about things. I used a red star to represent fear chasing the circle show casing how panic can quickly lead into fear.

Categorized as Animation

My animation love

I chose to animate the emotion “love”. I started with with different shapes because everyone can chose there own shape of love.

Categorized as Animation

Animated Words & Emotions (Final)

MMP100|Animation Project Statement

Title: Angry Saw

Spring 2024

Software: Adobe After Effects

The first idea I had when thinking of animating the emotion anger was this angry saw thing. For my final, I created backgrounds for more detail and chose red and black to give the saw more character than the standard grey saw. A lot of work for 13 seconds of footage, but I’m really happy with my first attempt using all these tools. I also configured opacity, scales, positions and rotations to really emphasize the anger I’m trying to show.

animation blog post


Heartbroken animation 

Spring 2024

Adobe After Effects

Using Adobe After Effects, I made an animation that, in an artistic and abstract way, depicts the emotion of being heartbroken. I used scale to make the heart image beat, and then I used a shatter effect to create the image of the heartbreaking. Also, I used a background of clouds to create an idea of turbulence and negative emotions. I had a lot of issues with figuring out how to use the timeline and add the effects to the animation in an order that made my idea work, and there were a lot of issues for me with the effects not working as I intended or the effects overlapping each other resulting in the heart beating and exploding simultaneously, I also had to learn about layers to make this concept work. I ended up using a lot of videos on YouTube to help me get this idea to come to life.

Categorized as Animation

Animation UPDATE

My initial storyboard is far from what I have to show today. But I am still working with a circle, and experimenting with multiple shapes and opacity. My goal is to have my animation be as smooth as can be.

Categorized as Animation

Animation Project


Spring 2024

Adobe After Effects

I chose to animate the emotion interest. I started with the letter “i” because I felt like it was really on brand and decided to make the circle of the “i” a dot shape. The background I created by using graphics on Canva and importing it into Ae. The hardest part was letting go a little bit of my story board. I needed to simplify the movement of the dot/circle because I wasn’t sure how to approach the dot changing shape and making it look more realistic.


“Hand Drawn Open Blue Window with a Daytime View of Beach with Plants and Sea” by sketchify. CC License. Date Unknown.

“Watercolor red carpet”(opens in a new tab or window)” by Julia Baade. CC License. Date Uknown.

Categorized as Animation

My Animation

Title: Growing

Semester/Year: Spring 2024

Software: After Effects

For this project, I did an animation of a seed growing. For that I used some of the effects in After Effects such as, opacity, scale. I also wanted to make it a bit longer that 10s so I can represent more my idea.

Categorized as Animation

My Animation: Anger

Title: Ager

Spring 2024

Software: After Effects

For my animation, I chose the emotion “anger”. This is my first time attempt at creating an animation. I chose a triangle to represent an angry person and a rectangle to represent a calm person. My initial storyboard is different to my animation, but kept the same emotion.

Categorized as Animation