Author: Richard Nwagwu
My Final Project
My Final project
Spring 2024
HTML, CSS, Audacity and Photoshop
Dev site:
For my final Project i told a story about a boy overcoming adversity and knowing that when your back is against the wall its not the end of the world. Using HTML, CSS, Photoshop and Audacity

My animation: Happiness
Title: Happiness
Spring 2024
Software: Adobe After Effects
I chose happiness because in a world that we live in it is important to try and gain happiness from the things in our day to day life and the things we take for granted such as seeing a new day with bright skies. for my project I mostly used elipses because they were the basic need for all the components i used. The most challenging part was learning how to make a smile which is kind of ironic.
My Storyboard
Here is my storyboard draft for my animation, the emotion I’m animating is “Happiness”

Mad Libs

Title: Mad Libs
Spring 2024
Languages used: HTML, CSS and javaScript
I created a Mad Libs interactive story that allows you to take control of what the important aspects of what ever it is you choose. some parts I had problems with was the javaScript I felt as I would get a bit frustrated when I would get an error or felt as if I could not continue. the easiest and most fun part was the CSS because I got to play around with different fonts and colors and chose what i felt the most comfortable with
Programming Update
Here,s my programming project link:

My Website

Richard’s World
Spring 2024
My website is Richard’s World for MMP100, the user can choose which path you can take in your want to take until you pick the right path to choose.
Live Site:
Link to project:
Website CSS Update
I added some stylings to my website. I not really that creative and also slightly colorblind so I just kind of went with basic stuff

1st website Post
My Podcast Audio
Title: The Richard Podcast
Spring 2024
For my Audio podcast I used Audacity to add effects like loops, and fading and I sourced my music from Free Music Archive as well as my other sound effects from The most challenging part of the project was the amount of time that went into doing the work as well as trying to sync up the sounds and making sure that they meshed well and was not all over the place
Sound Credits
“office ambience” by ninovisalli. Creative Commons 0. 24th, 2019.
“Surrounded By Shadows“. Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. Sep 02, 2009.
“The Brass Brigade“. CC0 1.0 Universal License. Jun 02, 2022.
“office_watercoolermono.wav“. Attribution 3.0. September 28th, 2009.