This what I have so far, I need to add a few things because I only have 3 tracks right now. but I think it’s a good start.
Author: Michael Schnick
My Self-Portrait
JFK and I with my dog.
Spring 2024
For my self-portrait I wanted to add myself to a historical picture. Might be a grim moment in history but in my searches it looked like one I could blend myself into the crowd. I’m also from Dallas. I cropped my head small enough and then flipped it to match the light better, I then added noise to my dog and I to match our surroundings better. This is my first time using Photoshop, and it was a little difficult, but I also am not the most tech savvy person.
Image Credits:
“President and Mrs. John F. Kennedy Minutes Before His Assassination, 22 Nov 1963” By Manhhai. CC BY-NC 2.0 DEED. Flickr. Uploaded November 22, 2017
MMP 100 logo/mascot
Spring 2024
I used my dog as my muse yet again. Though it might look like a humanoid dog thing with yellow hot dogs. I used shape builder and text and many other things. I tried to use gradient filter but I couldn’t get it to work. Some feature were tough for me, but I did what I could. Mia likes it and that’s all that matters.
Self Portrait progress
I made an illustration of my dog, but it looks like a mix between me and my dog…
Self-Portrait 2
So I made some adjustments. I cropped my image and flipped it horizontally. I also added my dog into the front seat of the car. I played with the layers including noise. Hope its better this time. Thanks
My first post
Hey, this is my first go at the self portrait. It definitely needs some work. I wanted to add my self to some kind of historical picture. Like Forrest Gump.
Here is the Image is used: