Title: Mad Libs
Spring 2024
Languages used: HTML, CSS and JavaScript
I created a mad libs story to let users choose their favorite cereal.
Introduction to Multimedia
Title: Mad Libs
Spring 2024
Languages used: HTML, CSS and JavaScript
I created a mad libs story to let users choose their favorite cereal.
Here’s my programming project link:https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/mad-libs-version-1-6k9l84
Choose Your Own Adventure
Spring 2024
For my website, I let users choose different modes of transportation to travel around New York, and each different mode of transportation will bring different consequences.
Live site here:
For my website: https://gzlj8x.csb.app/index.html
Link to project: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/css-basics-spring-2024-gzlj8x
Title: (S)pain
spring 2024
For my project, I used Spain and Pain as my theme. I mainly used rectangles and circles. I used S and PAIN for the text separately. I used position to move the S away and only PAIN was left. For the smiley face, I used rotation to twist the mouth 180 degrees to turn the smiley face into a sad face.
Software: Adobe After Effects
Waves of Time
Spring 2024
Software: Audacity
For my audio project, I used a soundtrack that I made in my MUS123 class. I also used a video that was taken a few years ago when I was in high school during Tennis practice, my coach was asking me to help him carry stuff. Then I converted the video to MP3 and I added the delay effect. As for the other sounds, they’re all from freesound.org and I used fading for transition between sounds.
Credits for sound used:
“Walking On A Wooden Floor” by ralph.whitehead
Creative Commons 0.freesound.org. December 21st, 2015
“Closing door (SoundActions 008” by alexarje
Attribution 4.0.freesound.org.January 1st, 2024
“birds 2.wav” by patchytherat
Creative Commons 0.freesound.org. August 23rd, 2020
For my self portrait, I used an image of a man playing trumpet at a soccer stadium, which represents me because I love soccer and music.
Here are the images I’m using