My Final Project

Title: An Inspiring Story

Semester/year: Spring 2024

Software used: CSS/HTML, Code Sandbox, Audacity

Description: For my final project, I chose to narrate a motivating and inspiring story of a young girl who is passionate about becoming an athlete. She faces many hurdles and hardships along the way, but she never gives up and achieves her dreams at last.

I chose this story because I love motivating and inspiring content. I like to listen to them and also convey them to people to spread positive emotions. I decided to use audio to narrate the story, because I thought for me that would be the best and clearest way to tell the story. I’m happy to say this project was easier for me because it included all the things I already learned in the previous projects.

Link to Live Site:

Link to Code (Sandbox):

Attributions (for audio used):

For Audio 1:

“Calming Piano Loop 60bpm” by Seth_Makes_Sounds. Creative commons 0. 22 March, 2023.

For Audio 2:

“A Positive And Inspiring Ambient” by Muyo5438. Creative commons 0. 11 december, 2023.

“Cast_Iron_Bell_ringing_Mono_MD441U_19_float_240224_001_Tr4” by TSP-Talk. Creative commons 0. 24 February, 2024.

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