Title: Bad Dream
Semester/Year: Spring 2024
Software: Audacity
By making this audio, I really wanted the listener to be able to close their eyes and create their own visual that goes along with this ‘Bad Dream’. I wanted to create an off-putting, disturbing but not sure why it feels disturbing type of feel. Not quite horror but just that something is wrong – the feeling of dread. And then the sound of relief at the end, which is someone waking from a bad dream.
“Dripping, Fast, A.wav” by InspectorJ. CC License. Freesound.org. April 22nd, 2016. https://freesound.org/people/InspectorJ/sounds/343764/
“Birds of Tienfemeten-2.aiff” by ducksingel. CC License. Freesound.org. May 12th, 2012. https://freesound.org/people/ducksingel/sounds/155584/
“Scream male.wav” by SuperSouper. CC License. Freesound.org. April 25th, 2023. https://freesound.org/people/SuperSouper/sounds/684994/
“220403C.mp3” by Freed. CC License. Freesound.org. November 26th, 2005. https://freesound.org/people/Freed/sounds/11362/
“OOOOO” by Fupicat. CC License. Freesound.org. November 5th, 2021. https://freesound.org/people/Fupicat/sounds/607204/
“WAKE UP SCARED.mp3” by ThePig01. Freesound.org. October 1st, 2021. https://freesound.org/people/ThePig01/sounds/588666/