My Website

Title: Own Adventure

Semester/Year: Spring 2023

Coding language/software: HTML and CSS with Replit

My website is a choose your own adventure story set in the woods. I used HTML for the basic pages with CSS styling and hyperlinks to connect each page, and images to illustrate the settings.

Live site link:

Code Link:

Image sources:

“Ebensee, Österreich” by Simon Matzinger. 3 February 2017. License: CC0.,%C3%96sterreich(Unsplash).jpg

“Lost in wildernes” by Gede Wirahadi Pradnyana. 3 April 2017. License: CC0.

“The Mystical Eye – Ion Mystical World” By Daniel Arrhakis. January 11, 2018. License: CC0.

“Congratulations Text on White Surface with Confetti” By Olia Danilevech. May 30, 2021.

License: CC0.

Animation: Saving In A Game

Title: Saving In A Game

I chose to animate the actions of a game being saved.

Semester/Year: Spring 2023

Software: Adobe After Effects

Audio Portrait

Train Ride


This is a portrait of waiting for the train, then it arrives, and finally I put in my headphones to listen to music. I lower the outside noise to insinuate the headphones entered. Then added a sound byte of air pods connecting.


“Detroit” By Hipper. BenSounds.Com.

Self Portrait

Title: Self Portrait

Semester/Year: Spring 2023

Software: Photoshop

For my self portrait I composited together an image of myself that had the skyline in the background, then made the sky look like the galaxy, and added a UFO. The idea of space intrigues my mind, so I added it in the background to represent my perception of life and how I see myself. Infinite. I used photoshop to mask the galaxy to replace the blue sky that was there. I messed with the saturation, exposure, and curves so all the items had similar colors. I did this so the lighting of the objects would blend and seem more true.

Image sources:

Gray and Black Galaxy Wallpaper By: Pixabay. Pexels License. July 21st, 2014.

Blue and White Round Light. By: Derpy CG. Pexels License. April 12th, 2021.

Self Portrait

Spring 2023

Adobe Illustrator

I created an alien in a Rocketship traveling through space. I used the curve tool to make the wings on the plane even. I used the pen tool to create the shape of the ship.