- Download and use one of these free code editors:
- Creating a website with HTML & CSS tutorial
- GitHub server tutorial
- NYTimes video about data centers – “Into the Cloud”
- World Science Festival Video – “How the web works”
- Video tutorials for HTML & CSS – “Don’t fear the Internet: Starting from Scratch – Part I (HTML) & Part II (CSS)”
- HTML basics from Mozilla Developers Network
- How CSS works on Mozilla Developer Network
- Interesting use of HTML/CSS/JS in journalism: “Millennials are Screwed” by the Huffington Post
Create a “choose your own adventure” story with HTML and CSS code. Each page should give the user 2 options to choose from. There should be a total of (at least) 5 HTML pages. All your pages should include the required tags (html, head, title, body). You should also use h1 (main header), p (paragraph), img (image) and a(link). Always include an option to go back to the home page (index.html). Make sure you only use Creative Commons or Public Domain images and that you attribute them directly on the page. Once you’ve completed and tested all the HTML, style your code with CSS. Use at least the following properties: color, text-size, font-family, text-decoration). Finally, upload the entire project on GitHub (follow these instructions).
Submit the following to blackboard:
- URL to access the project
- A short statement. Use this template.