Luis Animation

Title: Peaceful

Semester/Year: Spring 2022

Software: Adobe After Effects

The emotion I wanted to demonstrate was “calm”. The way I wanted to show this emotion was with the colors and a place that I think is peaceful. The most challenging part of the animation was making the could, I was able to make the cloud by making a lot of circles move together in different times.

Categorized as Animation


Title: Paranoia

Semester/Year: Spring 2022

Software: After Effects

I chose the word ”Paranoia” for this assignment. I chose the colors to be primarily black and white to create my desired effect, which is to be uncomfortable and annoyed as someone feels when under that emotion. I used multiple elements and overloaded my timeline to distract my audience’s eyes and try to replicate what a person feels when they are paranoid. The most challenging thing for me with this project was to animate the arms of the monsters. For this, I had to create my own images in illustrator and separate them into different layers so that later I could move the rotation of the arm and body of the monsters in after effects. This was a good exercise, and I would like to repeat it again in the future.

Categorized as Animation

Las Vegas


Semester/Year: Spring 2022

Software: Adobe After Effects

Description: I chose a night in Las Vegas using my adobe illustration assignment as a background, in this animation the word “happy” goes around many times representing happiness and fun on a dark night, the stars also rotate which makes this animation more attractive.

Categorized as Animation

What Is Fear

Title: What Is Fear

Semester/Year: Spring 2022

Software: Adobe After Effects

Description: This is an animation about fear so I wanted to keep the colors dark. Everyone fears what’s in the dark so I had the word fear slowly appear as if it was hiding in the dark. I also had fear typed over and over in distorted letters to give a creepy feel.

Categorized as Animation

Animated emotions and words

Title: Happy 🙂

Semester/Year: Spring 2022

Software: Adobe After Effects

I used the emotion “Happy” and I illustrated with a brightly colored background and font choice and animated effects.

I also made these animated GIFs!

Categorized as Animation