p5 Program

Title: Drawing Program

Semester /Year: Spring 2022

This is my drawing program. My inspiration was my classmates. I saw them using cool squares, so I wanted to emulate something similar. I really liked the squares and I wanted to use my own background and side of the squares, so I messed around with those. I offered a black and white option for multi colours.

My Website

Title: NYC Adventure

Semester/Year: Spring 2022

Coding Language: HTML and CSS

I chose to make a short sweet and simple travel journey of a NYC tourist. I know it’s a little late, but I forgot to upload. On Github the first image doesn’t load for some reason, but it works fine on when you download the files. My inspiration was the fact that I live in NYC, and I love it. So, I wanted to show what It would feel like to travel. Some challenges were finding the right pictures and simple coding issues.


Asfi’s Stop Motion

Little Stop Motion

Title: Gundam Stop Motion

Semester/Year: Spring 22

Software: Adobe Premiere Pro

I wanted to make a unique animation, so I decided to do stop motion. The background is black because I used a green screen and edited it. Overall, I had an extremely fun time working with this stop motion. It took me roughly 60-70 images to create this stop motion.

Asfi Raihan Audio

Title: Asfi Raihan and his friends.

Semester/Year: Spring 2022

Software: Audacity

This project is a little compilation of me and my friends telling our future goals and where we want to be. My friends’ names are Sophia, Jerry and Kitty. I have 5 clips including the background 3 of my friends and myself. This project is a way of manifesting out goals. After 1:05s the rest is all just music, and our introductions start at 0.30s.

Credits: Benjamin Tissot (also known as Bensound)

Smile | Child Kids Royalty Free Music (bensound.com)



Title: Photoshop Self Portrait

Semester/Year: Spring 2022

Software: Adobe Photoshop

This Project mainly contains pictures of myself and friends over the years, a hobby and some weird sci-fi stuff. It shows my values, what I enjoy doing and one of my fav show- Doctor Who. Which is represented by the planet.


Screenshot from BBC iPlayer access of TVThe End of Time (TV story)


Title: Self Portrait Ai

Semester/Year: Spring 2022

Software: Adobe Illustrator

I thought this would be kina of cool, like a railroad exiting the canvas or more like a tunnel. I used to always be fond of tunnels when I was younger, so I chose to make it into my self-portrait.