- Recording with your smartphone:
- Download and use Audacity
- Using Audacity to create a multi-track project tutorial
- GarageBand Tutorial
- Creative Commons licensed sounds for your projects:
- Audio concepts:
- Recording
- Editing: Audacity Development Manual: links to many tutorials here
- Podcasts:
- Sound Design:
Audio Portrait of a Place
Create an audio portrait of a place. This project will have 2 parts, recording audio and editing audio. Working in groups, you will record sound, using your smart phones. These audio files will be shared. In the editing process, you can combine the material the class has recorded with other audio files if they are Creative Commons licensed, in the public domain, or if you recorded them yourself. The finished audio file should be at least one minute and no longer than three minutes, and should combine at least five different sounds. Try to tell a story with a clear beginning, middle, and end. The listener should be able to envision specific streets/environments/people etc. when hearing your piece.
Upload the following to Blackboard:
- Post your .aup3 file or a compressed .zip file.
- The completed .aiff, .wav, .mp3 or .ogg file.
- An Open Lab post with the audio file and documentation including a short statement. Use this template.
- Credits for all audio files you did not record yourself (use the format on slide #17 on the Digital Imaging page).