Title: The Peaceful Wave
Semester/Year: Spring 2022
Software: Audacity
I created this audio because it embodies the peaceful nature I desire in my life. It also sheds light to my poetic side. I used the sound of waves crashing to bring a sense of dramatization yet peaceful in nature. The soft piano is the calm in the crashes of each wave.
Ocean Waves by Noted451. CC0 1.0. Freesound.org. August 17, 2020
Morning Birds by Oen. CC by 3.0. Freesound.org. October 12, 2007
River by Kyles. CC0 1.0. Freesound.org. December 5, 2018
Soft Piano by f0rest15. CC0 1.0. Freesound.org. April 14, 2016