Self Portrait

MMP 100

Spring Semester 2022

Adobe Illustrator

Cruise Ship

Im a big ocean/water person so that was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the blank canvas in Adobe Illustrator. From then the idea somehow evolved to big cruise ship overlooking an afternoon sunset with a storm about to happen. Hence the dark big grey clouds right above the cruise ship. Everything sort of came to me as I was creating the image, using and playing around with all the different shapes and effects Adobe Illustrator has to offer.

Adobe Photoshop

Me in Nature

If anyone knows me they know Im big in nature person. And love everything Mother Nature has to offer. That is why I chose to go with the background I did. I was instantly in love with the scenery, all the trees and mountains. That is why the whole image I created is how I feel and what I do if I was actually there taking in all the scenery. I would 100% be floating on some type of object just looking up at the sky and observing everything around me with my dog by my side. Hence the image of the girl looking up and the dog floating on an island beside her. I included baby Yoda not because he is the cutest to ever exist but because Im a huge over thinker and am always thinking about the what if’s. That is why he placed where he is wearing my favorite sneakers on earth. I combined all these images and made my small idea in my head come to life, featuring a couple of my favorite things. I enjoyed learning and playing around with photoshop and can’t wait to use all these new skills in the future.

  • “Well Known Lake” by Wheeler, James. CC by 2.0 Flickr. July 21, 2012.
  • “Dog Lying on Boat in Sea” by Stanley, Laura. CC by 2.0 Pexels. August 23, 2020.
  • “Back View of a Person Wearing Coolie Hat while Sitting on Raft” by Zarco, Alex. CC by 2.0 Pexels. September 09, 2019.
  • “Insel Mit Schwimmendem Boot Von Drohne” by Anunziata, Tomas. CC by 2.0 Pexels. March 06, 2020.
  • “Super Blood Wolf Moon 2019” by Express Web Desk. CC by 2.0 Indian Express. July 17, 2018.
  • “Toy Figure in Modern Sneakers” by Mclean, Erik. CC by 2.0 Pexels. October 08, 2020.
  • “White Sailboat on Water” by Pixabay. CC by 2.0 Pexels. December 23, 2016.