Welcome to MMP 100! This is the site for the Spring 2022 MMP 100-1100 section.
I’m Professor Owen Roberts, you can call me Owen, Professor, Professor Owen or Professor Roberts.
Join the Class Discord — This is where we will post work during class and chat outside of class. The info channel has some basic info and links.
This course hub website contains OER (Open Educational Resources)/ZTC (Zero Textbook Cost) resources for faculty teaching Introduction to Multimedia (MMP 100) at the Borough of Manhattan Community College. These resources are freely available for use by BMCC faculty and beyond. This work was created by Anna Pinkas and Jody Culkin, and funded by the New York State Department of Education.
There are several sections of this course. This site is not attached to any specific section and is meant to serve as a sample. It is recommended that each professor creates a dedicated open lab site for their section (cloning this one and editing it is perfectly fine too).
MMP 100 is one of the foundations class for all majors in the Media Arts and Technology Department. It spans a wide range of media and software which the students will use throughout their studies. The goal of the course is to highlight these tools’ purpose and interfaces. At the end of the semester, the students should have 5 projects showing they know how to create and/or manipulate digital images, audio, animations, videos and code.
The content of the course has been divided into “Topics”. Please refer to the “Syllabus” page for a weekly breakdown. Each topic’s page includes slides (core concepts and terminology), web resources (relevant tutorials, articles etc.), as well as assignments and grading rubrics.
For the course materials on this site, Prof. Pinkas had students use Blackboard to submit their work, where grades and comments were uploaded as well.
Please leave questions, feedback, and requests below!
All content on this website is licensed under CC BY 4.0