Register for Adobe Creative Cloud
- Photoshop fundamentals tutorial
- Illustrator fundamentals tutorial
- Creative Commons: licenses and search engine
- Resolution reference: “DPI love – Easily find the DPI/PPI of a device”
- Official Adobe tutorials:
- Adobe Photoshop User Guide – “Selections”
- Adobe Photoshop User Guide – “Mask Layers”
- Adobe Photoshop CC tutorial – “Export images from Adobe Photoshop for mobile and web”
- Adobe CC tutorial – “Draw basic shapes”
- Adobe Illustrator User Guide – “Combine Objects”
- Adobe Illustartor CC tutorial – “How to save a file for output”
- Best practices for attribution
- Need help mastering the Pen tool? Take the Bezier game
Self Portraits – Raster & Vector versions

Take/find images of yourself or something that represents you, and combine them in Photoshop. Make sure to not upsample (increase the size of) your images. Use tools we’ve covered in class (i.e: adjustment layers, filters, masks, crop tool etc.) to create your composition. You may only use images in the public domain or with a Creative Commons license (use the following resources: ,, Next, make a square vector/Illustrator file that represents you using only geometrical shapes (the final image can be abstract or representational).
Create a post on the Open Lab with:
- Export of Photoshop version for the web (JPG format)
- Export of Illustrator version for the web (PNG format)
- A short statement about your project. Use this template.
- Credits for all images you did not create yourself (follow the format outlined on slide #17).
Upload the following files to blackboard:
- The PSD (Photoshop) file
- The AI (Illustrator) file
- Link to the Open Lab post