Title: Goblin DOMAIN 2
Semester/Year: Fall 2023
Coding language/software: HTML, CSS, Replit

I’ve decided that for my final project, I’d pick up where I left off on another project. I chose to make a sequel to GOBLIN DOMAIN because the original project was the easiest for me to work with in MMP 100, since my work was more driven by story. I’ve made changes to the color palette, the choices you make, and most especially the timeline. The problem I’ve faced in this project is finding a blend between making something new, and relying on old material, especially when it came to art assets.

Elyas’ Clumsy MadLibs

Title: The clumsy afternoon of insert name
Semester/Year: Fall 2023
Software: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Replit.com

For this project, my schedule felt much more tight from the slow production and motivation for completing the story. I wanted to make this parody of madlibs, by giving it the purpose of jabbing at the audience’s decisions and opinions that make up one’s personality. I wanted to make fun of the audience, and make them a Mr. Bean character of humor.


Title: Goblin Domain
Semester/Year: Fall 2023
Coding language/software: HTML, CSS, Replit

To have an idea on how to design the website, I had to make this story short yet have function for replayability. I went for a fantasy theme with some RPG elements, along with an aesthetic to make it look digital, along with my own drawings. I wanted to give enough branching decisions to give a sense of freedom to whoever is viewing the page, such as questions of personal preference.

Categorized as Website

Animated Words

Semester/Year: Fall 2023
Software Used: After Effects, Audacity, Premiere Pro

In this project, while I was thinking about an emotion I was trying to find appropriate music that can match the tone while also going for a visual that’s not too hard to animate or match the rhythm of my selected music. I thought that a theme from a video game, Super Mario 64 would fit in the context of conveying anger, so I lead the animation by the music’s rhythm by trying to make the movement stompy with the drums.
Music: Bowser’s theme, Super Mario 64

Categorized as Animation

Audio Portrait

Title: Podcasting with Demons
Semester/Year: Fall 2023
Program used: Audacity
For this project, I wanted to act out a scene with the help of sound effects to help visualize what’s going on. In the audio portrait, I was going after a parody of a podcast, and then I turned it into an improv where I talk to myself, while adding comedic elements. I thought that this form of the audio portrait would be the easiest to work with for me, I get to be closer to the characters I’m impersonating, and it helps me build my goal to be a voice actor in the future.
Sounds – Zapsplat.com
Music – Carefree by Kevin MacLeod (Royalty Free)

Categorized as Audio

Self Portraits

Title: Self Portraying Collage

Semester/Year: Fall 2023

Program Used: Photoshop

This picture takes places in Brazil, my favorite place to go on vacation to explore nature, and enjoy delicious fruits and dishes. I chose this picture, because it’s my personal favorite photo, it reminds me of a nice place, and I wanted to show the visualization of my perception of what’s going on in the picture. I’ve used two gradient maps and masking in order to balance the two in abstract. The photos of the sushi and hotdogs are my own, and they’re also some of my favorite foods. The most challenging aspect of this portrait was getting the lighting right on every other subject, such as the food, or the subjects in the foreground.

Title: Self Portraying Vector

Semester/Year: Fall 2023

Program Used: Illustrator

For this program, I had shapes and abstraction in mind while again using a spectrum of my favorite colors. This segment of the self portrait project was really fun, it felt like I summarized myself with the vectorized portrait; through color, style, and emotion. Some of my challenges for this project included figuring out how to trace over a sketch, and figuring out how to outline the fingers without making the lines look off-putting. As for the process, I primarily used the shape, and pen tool.