


During my time in college I’ve changed my degree path a couple of times before I settled on where I am now. Each time I was full of anticipation for what’ll be in store, each time I was disappointed for one reason or another. So, to show the anticipation and the meandering melancholy I felt all those times I created this page, it’s very similar to the DVD screensaver you probably used to see as a kid. Remember the anticipation you felt when you thought it’d perfectly hit the corner? That’s how I felt when I switched majors, thinking it’d be perfect but being let down.

I used images from the web to represent each major I chose and the amount of times I switched which was around 4. The images originally came as one whole picture, but I used photoshop to crop them out into each of their own. Then I used CSS to animate it moving across the page. I used it instead of after effects because it’d look cleaner as ‘a part’ of the page instead of an imbedded video. Overall this was “My Direction”.

pictures found here:

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