Title: Self Portrait
Semester/Year: Fall 2023
Software: Photoshop
For my self-portrait I used the Mask tool and Eraser to add the photos that I felt represented me. I found a background that is colorful because I like to draw and paint, colorful drinks since I like to try new drinks, flower pastries because I like sweet things, cats because I have a pet cat, and yellow flowers because I like how flowers look.
Images credit
I didn’t alter the image
I removed the background of this image
“No name” by COOLPIX P340, Feb 25,2017, Pxhere
I removed the background and the two other pastries
“No name” by GhatGptoreator, Apr 6 2023, Pxhere
I removed the background of this image
“Cute Happy Cat” by Daily Puzzle Jul 16 2023, jspuzzle
I removed the background of this image
“Flower“ by claire casals (cc-by-sa), Plantnet – Oct 24, 2019 https://identify.plantnet.org/k-world-flora/species/Hibiscus%20rosa-sinensis%20L./data
I removed the background of this image
Title: Self Portrait
Semester/Year: Fall 2023
Software: Illustrator
When making my self-portraits I used the pen tool as well as the paintbrush. I drew myself in a blueish-green sweater, I call it my iconic sweater because I would always wear it every time. I have dyed hair which I had for 3 years, the colors are based on my favorite character. I also drew the things I like, my hobbies, favorite shows, and food.