All posts by Santiago
Comments on Brief/Fun History of Type videos
A Brief History of Type: I found this video particularly excellent, given that it is an informative video. In my opinion, I prefer this video over the “Fun History of Type.” I feel that anyone who sees this last one will not take as much information about the topic; instead, they might get distracted by “the funny way to summarize the history of type.” Technically they are expressing the same idea but with a different approach to it. I need to say that I’m amazed by the way that the Type has evolved over the centuries. The world needs were the reasons for it to transform; initially, the only way to find writing was in the Gutenberg Bible, but only rich people could get their hands on it. The black letterforms were difficult to read, so the need for a highly readable typeface that could reach more people was what started the Type’s evolution. The reason for the creation of more typefaces can be credited to multiple events on history, like the industrialization and even WWI/WW2. It’s incredible to see how Type affects our daily lives and how it influences us to choose something depending on how the typeface visually reach us.
1st Draft

Approaches to Typography
The video that I found more interesting is the second one, where Mike Langley, a Sign pinter, talks about why he likes working with painting lettering. The comparison that he did about lettering being similar to human Feelings and how the imperfection and mistakes make it more interesting, made me realize that each font has a personality and that it attracts and makes people respond in different ways. This idea connects to what Dan Rhatigan expressed about the needs of having new fonts; By creating new fonts, the possibilities to show new ideas can be infinite.
On the side note, knowing how much time a group of people spend to create a new font is impressive, and makes me want to learn more about typography; who knows, maybe I’ll be part of the creation of a new font family.
1st Draft/Sketches

Hello, everyone. My name is Santiago Arredondo. I am from Colombia. My major is Animation and motion graphics, and I plan to go further into Graphic design; that is why I am taking this class. I would love to work for a magazine company in the future (even though magazines might disappear.)