Course: MMA215-1300 Typography & Layout Fall 2020 Machauf

active 1 year, 5 months ago
MMA215-1300 Typography & Layout Fall 2020 Machauf
This Course is PRIVATE, but the corresponding Site is OPEN to all visitors.
Media Arts and Technology
Academic Program
Multimedia Programming and Design, A.S.
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Fall 2020
Course Description

A forum for students in the MMA 215 Typography & Layout class to share projects and ideas.

Recent Posts

Tony Di Spigna

The video was interesting to see how typography affects the passion of artists. And I was surprise […] See MoreTony Di Spigna

Recent Comments

Comment on: Imported from Brooklyn

I agree with you, is so amazing how there are people that actually can change everything just […] See MoreComment on: Imported from Brooklyn

Comment on: Makenna Topacio’s Two History of Type video commentary

That was a nice way to put all your thoughts, and is crazy to know that all these new methods and […] See MoreComment on: Makenna Topacio’s Two History of Type video commentary

Comment on: Giulia Feleppa Comment

I like the way you expressed your thoughts about the videos, i think every video have very […] See MoreComment on: Giulia Feleppa Comment