All posts by Elijah Moyd


Font Men: This video gives an insight on how difficult and the process of creating a typeface. The idea that the many of the of typefaces that was created but a good chunk of it doesn’t work in different kinds of content as if the typefaces speak a language really interest me. It’s really intriguing to see how long it takes to create a typeface because of the process of deciding the design of it such as the spacing, weight, serifs and so on.

Mike Langley: This short video follows around Mike Langley telling us his passion for art and typography. His emotional connection with the craft and the traditional way of doing it (by hand) rather currently, most artist do it digitally. The way he describes how the traditional style of art creates an long lived work and the lettering makes it more human really showed me how different styles can affect an individual.

Dan Rhatigan on Ryman Eco: This short video follows around a Dan Rhatigan who created a new font, “Ryman Eco”, creates an illusion of a fully filled letter that saves more ink than a considerable amounts of fonts do. The interesting part of this video for me is how certain techniques like spacing could lead to stop some environmental issues such as using less plastic.

Elijah Moyd’s Commentary History of Type Videos Week 3

Elijah Moyd 


Fun History of Type: This video is about the history of type and the way we read throughout history. I learned a lot about the evolution of type starting with Ancient Egypt to current times. It was really interesting knowing that we started off from drawings to communicate one another to letters what we know today. Especially the process of finding a way people can read books with ease which is why digital reading is more popular today because it involves fonts that are easy to read such as Veranda and digital screens being more useful reading on paper. 

A brief History of Type: This informative video talks about the short history of type. The video gives insight from different time periods and how type (or forms of communication involving type) started evolving and the impact it produced to the world. Impacts like the Renaissance, Reformation, and the numerous world events. The video made me also learn about the origin of creating easier to read typefaces starting from the difficulties to read Gutenberg work causing numerous typographers to emerge and impact the world. For instance, Nicholas Jenson created an easy to read font but also the first Roman face based on human characteristics. I also learned the evolution of creating and displaying fonts from numerous technologies like the Linotype, Monotype, Metal types (the mergenthaler linotype), and computers which led to more creative and modern typefaces. 


Hello! My name is Elijah Moyd. My major is Multi-Media Design. I’m currently planning on transferring to NYU to major in Game Design (Multi-Media Design plays a role in it) in Winter 2020 or Spring 2020. I always wanted to major  I’m taking this class to learn more about using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. I do have some experience of using these programs from other classes and my last internship. I spend a lot of time on the computer learning and researching technology, reading, and practicing art/animation. I also like to write stories in my spare free time as well. I honestly can’t wait to see what this class got in store and get to know everyone.