Final Quote Design

Font Men: I found it interesting how these two guys who have both have a different focus, but the same idea, work together to create new fonts. I like the idea that there is not enough fonts and there will never be too many fonts. They were not expecting their company to grow how it did, however they seemed surprised when bringing up how their staff shares their same belief in regards to the creation of fonts. Where it is hard to start from scratch, but fun.
Mike Langley: This video interested me the most, because he is a sign painter that does his work by hand. Unlike the other two he is out painting on a truck. He implemented at least 3 fonts onto the truck and he did it by hand. I like how he says he is attracted to the human feel of the things he does. He likes mistakes because it says it was created by a human.
Dan Rhatigan: Like Rhatigan said, the idea of saving ink through his font is a small gesture. I believe that although small, it carries a big message. It will not solve the worlds problems but it is definitely a step in the right direction. I find it interesting how I believed fonts were mainly for expression but he is able to use it as a means to save the earth.
My name is Brian Valdez, I am a Multimedia major. Since my youth, I have always been interested in art and various art forms. I am Dominican and speak both English and Spanish. I am excited to be able to further experience and learn different forms of typography and how I may be able to apply this experience to my career path.