Commentary on history of typography

In the short video “fun history of type” i enjoyed how it explored the history of typography and such in a interactive way . Although it can be hard sometimes to gather information from something so interactive but it was a good amount of information I was able to retain so I think it was pretty informative . In fact , one of the new things I kinda got from the video is that the first things kids used to write on in school was wax tablets until someone thought of the bright Idea to fold papyrus . Who knew it was something as simple as that . 

On the other hand in the video a “A brief history of type” just about gave a lot of the same information but in a more historic informative way . I thought it was good to have the combination of the two because it helps me understand and retain the information more . One thing I learned from the video was that the first movable type form was created in China in the 11th century using ceramics material . And in the Clip that they show it looks like stamps so something so common now back than was used to create words and sentences . 

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