Choc is a quirky calligraphic typeface made by a French graphic designer in the 1950s that took over New York and ended up on storefronts everywhere. The Choc typeface has a brushed look to it that gives off a delicate look overall. This typeface can be found in almost every borough and is used in numerous locations such as sushi spots, restaurants, salons, etc. I personally never heard of the font until now and surprisingly, my go-to sushi place (attached photo) that I go to every week has the Choc font! Even before hearing or knowing anything about the font, I used to look at it and love the way it looked. It was quite amazing that a font type I’ve never heard of before was something that was right in front of me this whole time. I personally love the Choc font and it gives me an abstract yet modern feeling to it. It also gives off an Asian style theme.