What a beautiful example of living life with passion and transmit it to people around you!! Tony Di Spigna realized in early age he had to find his passion and make it a job. With the big fortune of working for the Lubalin Studio Center, he developed his skills and unique style, and he decided to teach it to young generations. The uniqueness of Di Spigna was his ability to reproduce with a simple pencil harmonious letters based on the Spencerian script which was common in the 1800 before the adoption of typewriter. This script usually created with a fountain pen expresses joy and freedom with a sense of movement, amazing heavy curvatures, variety and contrast. Di Spigna added his personality to it and he mastered it so well that he created something new. Something so unique and expressive that is timeless. Infact his Spencerian artworks are full of energy, elegance and modernity even though he used centuries old script.
This video opened a new world to me, giving a name to most of the gorgeous fonts, logos and works I always admired but I didn’t know the authors. Between all his works shown in the video I was really moved by the Harry and Megan pencil sketch. Being able to create something so perfect without the use of the computer nowadays is astonishing and admirable.
Even though he has been described as a tough professor and maniac for excellence, I would love to be one of his students. His strong personality and way of heavily judge his students might show him in a bad light but that‘s part of his personality and his way to get emotional about some students from whom he expects more. Aren’t intense professors the ones from who we learn the most? I believe the fact that Herb Lubalin was extremely meticulous in his work and expected the same from his employers, influenced Di Spigna to constantly look for perfection and it brought him to excel as graphic designer.
(Being from South Italy too, his story motivated me to keep working and keep aiming for excellence).