Typography Video Response

Jonathan Hoefler and Tobias Frere-Jones in “Font Men” give a new meaning to how typefaces can be commercialize and easily accessible to the general public. For someone who has no experience in this field, they explain the process from creation to production very understandable way. What I enjoyed most about this video was the idea of using technology to create something that has been always considered so traditional, while having a very creative and expressive approach to it. In the same manner, Mike Langley in “The Sign Painter” has a very creative vision for his art, but in a more stylistic way. I loved the idea of bringing typography back to basics and giving it a new take, in a world that is constantly changing and always finding new and advanced ways to do things. His philosophy about typographic work as an art and giving it a very personal approach is what I found the most interesting. I love that he is conscious of the idea that each time he paints something, it will never be exactly the same as the last and the signs impermanence being part of the art. With Dan Rhatigan in “Dan Rhatigan on Ryman Eco” his creative vision for his company was brought on by an ecologically friendly way. I thought it was very compelling that he considered the harsh effects printmaking has on the planet, knowing how sort term prints can have a big impact on our environment. 

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