Starting from the fact that I found all three videos extremely interesting and inspiring, it is fascinating to see that behind each single letter of a typeface there is a meticulous work made by a single or an entire group of people. How typefaces are created according to the content and context in which they could stand.
Moreover, it is interesting to see how typography is used for different goals. Hoefler and Frere-Jones company creates a variety of nice and functional typefaces, already available or personalized onces. Their typefaces transmit ideas and concepts, mostly used and sold to big companies. On the other hand, Mike Langley goal is to express the personality of few clients and their philosophy. His work is not meant to be used by different clients all over the world and over the years, but to be authentic and unique as his clients are. Ryman Eco, instead, not only embraces the readability and the personality that a font should have but it goes behind. Dan Rhatigan work was born to reduce the use of ink and the waste of cartridges in the environment, to have a minor impact on the ecosystem, now and in the future.
While H&FJ Company and Mike Langley purpose is to sell or satisfy a big or small group of clients in a short or long term, Dan Rhatigan uses Typography to encourage sustainability and maybe to inspire future generations to create environment friendly fonts. Hoping that Mike Langley would use ecofriendly paints for his work, do you think ecologically friendly fonts could really make a significant difference? Wouldn’t the use of less paper be more effective?
I like the way you expressed your thoughts about the videos, i think every video have very important aspects that make typefaces so incredible. For me, Mike is the most interesting of all, not because of his font at al, but because the heart and feelings he put in every work, and definitely Ryman is probably what the future of type is going to look, i think is very soon.