Category Archives: INTRODUCTIONS

Tell us about yourself–your interest in design, experience, goals and anything else that you would like to share with your classmates.


Hi my name is Jeffrey Kwame Abotsi, I mostly go by Kwame because I hate my first name. Please don’t ask me why. I’m in my second semester at BMCC and i major in Multimedia Programming and Design. I am a certified introvert. That’s how I would describe myself. I don’t have a lot of friends because I enjoy my own company. I believe I have just about 5 friends. I first took this class in my first year but did not pass due to the study from home thing. I got so comfortable and lazy that I did not do most of my course work so I had to retake it this semester. Hopefully I pass this time. A word that describes me is FREE.


Hi everyone! My name is Anne, I’m 25 and I live in Brooklyn. I am french but I lived in the U.S for about 3 years now. I’m a Video Arts and Technology major, and this is my last semester in BMCC. I have absolutely no experience in graphic design, but I really enjoyed my Introduction to Multimedia class last semester, so I can’t wait to learn more about graphic design. I would say my main field is video, particularly editing, but I always love to extend my skills to other fields. I want to become a video editor. I’m looking forward to knowing more about you guys, and start working on some projects!


hello! my name is Jennifer but you can call me Jenni if you want. I am a college freshman, my major is Multimedia Programming and Design. If i’m going to be very honest, I can’t draw. I’ve never used photoshop or illustrator before but i have used After Effects to edit videos and pictures. During my free time, I love to edit the things that I enjoy, anime, movies or dramas. I’ve been editing since 2016 so it has been a while. I actually should learn how to draw now that I think about it ahah. I excited to see what I will learn from this class, good luck to everyone in this course!

Andrew Charran

Hi there, my name is Andrew Charran. I was born in New York, but I was raised in Georgia. I moved back to New York back in early 2018, to help my grandmother with her everyday needs. My parents are Guyanese, so that makes me a Guyanese American. I am the age of 22, my birthday is March 6th, 1998. I got into my hobby of PhotoShop in the year of 2015, which I taught myself through YouTube tutorials and my own imagination. My Sony tablet is where I started doing most of the work. I did simple work, like covers but I wasn’t satisfied with my creativity, so I used my laptop to practice a bit more. The reason as to why I chose Motion Graphics is so I can learn more than I want I already know, and perfect my craft!


Hey guys, my name is Alaniz Fernandez. I’m a college freshman, I have to say that college is way different than high school. I’m majoring in multimedia programming and design but specifically in graphic design. I’m an outgoing person where I hate staying at home. I like to try new things and go to different places. I love to socialize and meet new people with different interest and different ethnicity. I’m into art and photography in high school i took photography classes. In my free time I like to watch youtube videos, hearing music. I choose this class because I willing to learn how to use adobe and know how to design. I am looking forward to this class and getting to know each of you.


Hello all,

My name is Noah Evans, I am currently majoring in Animation. This is my third time returning to college as the life of a cartoonist is not a particularly lucrative one.  I have worked in Hollywood and Burbank for many years creating and assisting on numerous short films. I am Trained in traditional hand-drawn animation and have extensive studies in political cartoons and propaganda art.

(originally posted in discussion board September 4)


Hi everyone! My name’s Gwyneth, but you can call me Gwen. I am an animation major, and this is my 2nd year at BMCC. I do have prior experience with graphic design starting from high school. I’ve done some personal and professional stuff with Photoshop and Illustrator, although I am much more confident with Photoshop because I create pieces that lean more into painting and drawing much more than I come up with graphic design projects. If you need any help with those programs and if I am familiar with how to go about the problems your face with the software, don’t hesitate to ask! I would love to learn more about coming up with designs because as I am now, it takes me quite a bit of time to conduct research and come up with thumbnail sketches in order to finish a project. I’d definitely like to be more efficient with working in this field because it is something that interests me, and something that I already started dabbling with, so it doesn’t hurt to learn more about it. I look forward to working with all of you!


Hello everyone, I’m Juan Hurtado, I’m 20 years old (almost 21). I’m from Bogota, Colombia. I’ve been living here in NYC since 2017. This is my second year in the college and my major is Multimedia Programming and Design. I would love to meet new people, and new places, i love to travel a lot.


My name is Salaa Atef

My major is Multimedia Programming and Design and this my second semester.  I would describe myself as a persistent person.  I would love to meet new people, and I have been living in New York for two years. I love drawing, design and I  want to be a designer.