Category Archives: What is Graphic Design (Video)

What is graphic design?

Graphic design should be able to interpret to the audience. It’s not as simple as i first thought it was. Logos, texts over pictures? No. There’s more to it. A design means nothing without a meaning. Graphic design has being underestimated more often than not. Quick example, Gorilla glue and Moco de Gorila. These two products have almost the same colors on their labels, same names too. If both were in the same cabinet, i bet most people would always choose wrongly depending on they’d be using them for.

This is a clear example of graphic design. Two different products, two different companies, two different graphic designers. But they came up with almost the same idea. Their designs communicate differently to the audience but it now depends on the audience to now be able to tell what each design means.

What is graphic design?

Graphic design has many facets. As it is showed in beginning of the video, books, posters, websites, t-shirts, subways maps, and many other object we use daily are the result of a process. The goal of that process is to impact the audience in a particular way. It is the client that has to explain to the designer what message or emotion he wants his audience to get. Most importantly, graphic design is about visual communication. The job of the graphic designer is to understand the material he is trying to communicate and make an appropriate and unique design. It is a creative process as the graphic designer wants to create something unique, which has never been seen before.

Now that I have a better understanding of what graphic design is, I realize that it is absolutely everywhere, and I am becoming more critical of it. For example, I will be using an app on my phone and think that it is not easy to navigate, and that there is probably a better way to design it. I also notice when posters or logos are especially well done, or smart. I actually never noticed that the Fedex logo formed an arrow between the E and the X. I wonder if it was meant to be obvious, or if they wanted people to figure it out after years of seeing this logo. It’s like the hidden bear in the Toblerone logo, which is hidden in the mountain. Obviously this one is meant to be hidden, and you have to know that it is here to notice it. I love this logo because it’s almost like a guessing game, and it gives a stronger identity to the brand.

What is Graphic Design?

Graphic design is all about communication, which is done so through the use of images and text. The job of a graphic designer is to understand what it is that needs to be communicated. For example, if they’re to design a dust jacket, they would have to understand the content of the book in order to come up with a design that communicates the idea/content presented in the book. Graphic design is all over the place, you see it when you pick up your phone (someone had to come up with the design that would work best for that phone), or when you get on social networking websites such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. (the layout for those websites and apps was designed by somebody). These designs not only serve to please your eyes, but also serves to make life easier for you. If it’s your first time visiting a place, you pull out your phone and open your wayfinder app, so you don’t get lost. That app was designed to be easy to use, so that the only thing you’d have to worry about is getting to your destination, not how to navigate through the app.

What is Graphic Design

Graphic design is about visually communicating a message. Not only do graphic designers have the responsibility to understand what their client is trying to communicate, they also “have a responsibility to the people that will live with that communication.” This part of the video stood out to me. Whether it is a poster, a book cover or product packaging the designer has to ask themselves how it would affect the user’s life. I agree with speaker who said we don’t realize how much we subconsciously interact with designs that bring ease or pleasure into our lives. 

After watching, I thought of some of my personal interactions like MTA subway posters that I was quickly able to decipher the information because of the imagery and icons. Another example was when I was at Target buying new hair products and I decided to try a new line of products called Emerge. Thinking back, I decided to give it a try because of the price point, but admittedly it was the bright packaging and geometrical pattern that first caught my eye. I am definitely guilty of choosing hair products not only for their content but also how it will look on my shelf. In the MTA poster example the designer is able to quickly communicate subway policies or changes through the images. With the hair product packaging, the design subconsciously brought me pleasure which added to the value of the product for me.

What is Graphic Design

Numerous times, Graphic Design  is exceptionally thought little of within the eyes of individuals but realistic plan is much more than you think. Realistic plan comprises of the communication that can be anticipated from an picture or objects. All that encompasses us is based on graphic design. Numerous times it is vital to carry out a ponder to know which gather of individuals it is pointed at and recognize the substance of what you need to venture or what you need to communicate and something much more critical is that it be unique for the eyes of clients .

What is Graphic Design

Many times, graphic design is very underestimated in the eyes of people but graphic design is much more than you think. Graphic design consists of the communication that can be projected from an image or objects. All that surrounds us is based on graphic design. Many times it is necessary to carry out a study to know which group of people it is aimed at and identify the essence of what you want to project or what you want to communicate and something much more important is that it be original and striking for the eyes of customers .

What Is Graphic Design

Graphic Designer does more than I thought while I was watching the video. We can see it everywhere in our life. Graphic design is visual art that conveys and communicate a message or the content of the product to specific audiences through designing book covers, posters, web sites, and magazine, etc. Designers may get a concept from the client and discuss more information with them. They must be recognized by their materials as well and solve the problems. And make a decent and unique design to catch the audiences’ eyes, make sure that the correct information is well conveyed.

What is Graphic Design: Response

In the video, Quentin Newark had a perfectly concise reply to the given question. He stated, “Graphic Design is communication and it communicates through the combination of image and words”. Communication is as bare-bones a definition of design as you are going to get. I think this definition operates well. If a design fails to communicate as intended, it no longer seems designed.

What is Graphic design?

Graphic design is a profession which consist of visual communication to convey specific message. Graphic design may be mixed with art and business. Some people may think graphic design is simple but you actually need to learn a lot of information and learn new skills in order to make clients happy of your work. It communicates through images and words. The most important role is to understand the material that they are trying to communicate. People may not realize that we see graphic design everywhere in our daily lives. Every design we see has a meaning, without a meaning it’s nothing. Graphic designers try to make unique designs. Graphic design applies to typography, visual hierarchy and page layouts. When doing a project you need to gather information and use different materials. Being a graphic designer you can work in different jobs.