Category Archives: What A Graphic Designer Does (Video)

What a graphic designer does

Initially, i did not know what graphic designer did. If you asked me, I’d say they make posters. Logos too. I thought their job was just to put text over pictures. I never thought that there was more to their work.

A graphic designer tells a story through their works and making them meaningful. Their works serves as a visual message. They are able to get their message across with whatever projects they’re working on, be it website UX design, logos etc. They also help their clients achieve their goal by reaching an audience with their art. Graphic designers could also be called commercial artists. Before the computer, graphic designers worked with what they had, paint brushes and paint, canvas, papers, etc. The emergence of the computer has given them an easier space to work and bring has put all the old ways of designing into one place.

When I first took this class remember we worked on a few projects. One that stood out to me was when we were asked to create an invitation card for an art museum. An invitation card that would let people in on what was happening at a particular museum. We all shared ideas as young designers and critiqued each other’s work. It really helped us churn out beautiful works. This is what I believe it means to be a graphic designer. Now I know it is not limited to creating logos and putting texts over pictures or creating party flyers. One thing bothers me still. Is every graphic designer okay being criticized, or some really take it to heart?  

What a graphic designer does

Before reading the book and watching the video, the first thing that came to my mind when thinking of graphic design are logos. Now I get that there is much more to graphic design, as it is a visual language that serves a purpose. A graphic designer manipulates text, images, shapes, colors and a multitude of other elements to make a project look good. The project can be anything, such as a magazine, a restaurant menu, or a website. The goal of the graphic designer is to help people (clients, brands) to convey a certain message or emotion. A good example of that is the amazon logo, with its distinctive yellow arrow, pointing from the a to the z, showing that Amazon has absolutely everything, and making a comforting smile at the same time. On the other hand you have the logo of Metallica, with its well known lightning bolt-like M and A, which perfectly matches the music they play.

On top of the message, the graphic designer makes sure that the project, whether it be a logo, a poster, or anything else, looks good. For that he is going to use color, fonts, images, shapes and more, that work together to give an identity to the project. But isn’t the concept of “looking good” subjective?

What a graphic design does(7:12)

After I watched the video I do get the ideas of a graphic design because years ago , the idea about graphic design was just a unique word or icon they created and letting people seeing them then people will remember them, are way of remembering the creator, for example the apple icon, when you see that icon your mind pops up a lot of ideas, iPhone,mac,watch,headphone,siri, Steve Jobs, and most importantly fashion. The idea of that little word or icon let people following their foot steps.

As now I learned something from the video the that being a graphic design isn’t just about design logos, it more than that you might wants to tell a story to people as a way to communicating through visual languages. Also at the end he guys talked about the first step about “what’s the right mood… right elements.”

My question: How long does it takes of design an actually good logos or icon that can stick to peoples mind for a long time..

What a graphic designer does? (video)

When I was a junior in high school, they would ask me what I wanted to be. I wasn’t sure but then I was interested in graphic design. I was unsure what Graphic design does so I did some research and watched a girl youtube channel in which she’s a freelance graphic designer and she explains everything. I would always be into art and whenever I see logos and design I always thought about how they created those logos and design. I always considered graphic designers to do logos and make projects for companies. Graphic design is more than making logos; they create concepts by hand and digital to communicate or to send a message. From my prior experience, I helped someone create his new business logo and his website where he was new and he wanted people to go to his new boxing gym. 

In the video “What is graphic design … what a graphic designer does from Design Council.” It told me very explicit details about what a graphic designer does. Neville Brody told us about what assets we need in order to make a good product or make our work good. Typography is very important where that’s the whole point.  He also says how the color and the size could change the feeling. 

Question: How do graphic designers get so many ideas and What does a good graphic designer do?

What a Graphic Designer Does

Thinking back to a time where I knew nothing about graphic design and what graphic designers do, that would be before I took my graphic design class in high school. So prior to that, I don’t really know what I thought what graphic design is prior to watching the video because the video was more of a review for me. But if I’m going to guess, I would’ve thought that graphic design is strictly limited to logos and business cards and all that. Before taking the class, I did not have any experience with graphic design, nor did I ever think about taking into consideration the principles of design when I did my drawings.

As of now, I’ve taken 1 graphic design class, and currently taking another one (this class). I’ve taken a multimedia class before, and it does brush up on the concept of how design works (in a way), so that did help me gain some more experience in this field. I know the experience doesn’t seem a lot, but the high school class I’ve taken was with this teacher who I consider my mentor, since he pushed me and helped me develop my skills in such little time. He helped me become skillful that I was confident enough to take on some personal and professional design projects. What I know and remembered in the video for this week was that: graphic design is not limited to such little things such as logos and business cards, it is much broader than that. Graphic designers build a design that helps their clients or themselves communicate better communicate an idea. What I consider a good design would be something simple and still effectively conveys the idea it’s supposed to carry. What do you think makes for a good design?

What a Graphic Designer Does

From my individual encounter I can related to was within the video it said “You are having to consider the entire but at that point center on  viewpoints of the dialect or the word or the piece of content simply are attempting to verbalize and communicate.” This area of the video I can relate to since there’s a part of exertion that put into a client piece . when i was started off to form ventures a few individuals would like it or not . So In any case the key to that’s having patients and understanding of the clients and what they need .

How do Graphic Designers take pressure from clients a certain way?

What a Graphic Designer Does

This video gave me a lot of understanding about the type of work that graphic designers do. It is not just creating the logo, choosing the font, or selecting the images. It is all the specific visual elements coming together, using the same voice to communicate the client’s larger message. There are so many possible combinations of these elements to convey the mood for what a project needs.

The last speaker in the video argued that getting to the core of a design project involves “trying to find an attitude for response to the client” and asking yourself what are the right moods and elements for the job. This comes before the specific craft skills to execute. Aside from direction and collaboration with the client, how do graphic designers, who design well, land on that mood? I’m sure it comes with experience but finding the perfect configuration of all of the visual elements seem daunting.

What a Graphic Designer Does

Years ago, I always considered that graphic design was always that idea of ​​generating or developing a logo for a company, I always considered it as a simple discipline. Currently that idea has totally changed. Graphic design is much more than just making a logo, it consists of expressing a project to a specific group of people. And in which, it has a lot of sub-jobs to be able to achieve the objective. Graphic design exists in everything that surrounds us.

In the video “What is graphic design … what a graphic designer does from Design Council.” I learned that to do an excellent job in this area it is also necessary to take into account the typography, the hierarchy, the space between the letters, the color, among many more details. All these elements allow a good graphic design to be allowed, it is essential to do a search about what you want to project and to whom, it is very important to know to which group of people the work is directed.

I would like to know how graphic designers always have ideas or be creative with their projects?

What a Graphic Designer is All About.

A graphic designer can create many different pieces of creation. Using elements from all sorts of mediums and ideas.  From as long as I can remember,  graphic design has always been an interest to me. As long as I can remember, there has always been this part of me that has an appreciation for simplicity and design satisfactory. An instance of this would be when I found the design of a company or restaurant appealing. A very important word in my psyche is “appeal”. I have always enjoyed admiring and simply looking at logos, symbols and even at some points trying to create some of my own. Design is an infinitely universal language that can define any sort of visual creation. From a drawing to a new look for a brand, The imagination of the creator is endless.

This video gave me a general understanding of not only what graphic design is, but what the wielder of the skill formulates and practices. The job itself lends the artist to a variety of different jobs they can pick up in the field. Graphic design makes up most of the visual creations that we experience. There might be a confusion however when defining what is graphic design versus what a design is. A graphic design pertains specifically to a graphically made design means using graphic elements like text, shapes and other sorts of concepts. A design can literally mean anything that was formed and created from any sort of medium. 

What A Graphic Designer Does

The video “What is graphic design … what a graphic designer does from Design Council.” told me very precise details about what a graphic designer does in their work. Graphic designers would take ideas from their clients and make things look good, clear, and attracted the audiences. Every asset (elements, logo, typefaces, and color, etc.) is considered to be effectively making a great product. They discussed with clients and research a lot of information about the marketplace what kind of design would draw the audiences‘ eyes.
I learned a lot when I watched the video because I did not know the graphics designers would do a lot of research before and communicate with others to frame creative work. They would look for other works that could inspire new ideas in their mind. I thought graphic design is kind of the same as fine art, both of them are creative but fine art is created by the artists’ inspiration and emotion. Designers have created works by others’ requests and audiences’ needs. I wonder if the designers did the same things as artists what would happen?