Journal Entry – Week 5

4 posts


Respond to at least 1 prompt on this page (you are welcome to respond to more). For instructions on how to submit a journal entry, please follow these instructions. FORMATTING FOR THIS WEEK: Use the title format “[FirstName] [LastName] W5” and select the Category “Journal Entry – Week 5”

Prompt 1

“Steamboat Willie” is famous because it used fully synchronized sound. View the film again. How is the sound used to emphasize the action? Give some specific examples. What role does music play in the film? Does the use of sound reveal something about each of the characters? What does it reveal and how is sound used?

Prompt 2

View the clip of Snow White meeting the seven dwarfs again. Though each of the seven dwarfs are drawn and animated in a similar manner, there are important differences that tell us something about each of their personalities. Pick two of the dwarfs and show how they are distinguished from each other by the way they move, how they are drawn, their voices and any other means used to show their character.

Prompt 1 and Prompt 2

  • In “Steamboat Willie,” sound and music play a significant role in emphasizing the action enhancing the comedic elements, and revealing the characters’ distinctive personalities. Synchronized sound effects correspond with the actions of the screen, and lively music complements Mickey Mouse’s character. The use of sound creates a depth of experience for the viewers.
  • In Snow White’s meeting with the seven dwarfs, each dwarf’s unique personality is distinguishable. Grumpy’s scowling expression and deep voice convey his skeptical nature while Dopey’s clumsy movements and physical gestures highlight his innocence. These differences in appearance, movement, voice, and behavior make it easy for the audience to tell them apart.

Week 5 Prompt 2

Both Sleepy and Happy are animated in a similar manner but there personalities are very different from each other. Sleepy is a dwarf who is very tired. I seen him mostly yawning. And his voice is also tired to. And Happy seems really happy about anything like when he introduces himself he seems very cheerful.

W5 Journal Myrka Tax

“Steamboat Willie” is famous because it used fully synchronized sound. View the film again. How is the sound used to emphasize the action? Give some specific examples. What role does music play in the film? Does the use of sound reveal something about each of the characters? What does it reveal and how is sound used?

Thanks to Iwerks animation and Stalling’s music brilliance, distributors found interest in Steamboat Willie. In addition for being Mickey Mouse’s first exclusive appearance in animation, Steamboat Willie holds a significant part in animation history for being the first to master synchronized music, sounds, and (hypothetical) dialogue in animation. The music since the start of the film plays in a fun lively tone, already giving context to the viewers that this would be a comedic film at this era of time. As the animation plays, the steamboat steam gives off a consistent rhythm to the music followed along with Mickey’s whistling. He uses his foot to tap the boat’s deck and turns the wheel like a drum snare, all in rhythm in a musical fashion. He also has a high pitched chitter, which tells me he is energetic and upbeat. The big large cat character which I presume to be Pete, has a lower tone of voice but also sounds authoritative and strict. Minnie also shares a high pitched voice, but sounds more fluttery. Point being said, all sounds have direct distinction from each other. In simple terms, its truly an array of instruments alike forming a genuine orchestra.