Kristjan Pierre

2 posts

Kristjan Pierre – Week 2 – Prompt 3

I imagine my response would encompass eagerness, shock, a little bit of fear, and a little bit of relief. I experience those same emotions when watching most of Christopher Nolan’s movies. In particular, The Prestige is a beautiful example of this. The story takes you on a wonderful journey. The major plot twist and climax of the movie certainly fall under horror. Simultaneously, frightening feelings are embraced because I also felt that there was an incredible lesson to be learned. Also, I just truly appreciated the attention to detail and art form. Lighting is extremely crucial in this movie too and I’m certain Gaspard Robertson would have appreciated this as well. I think both creators are notorious for pushing boundaries during their respective time periods.

Kristjan Pierre – Prompt 1

My name is Kristjan Pierre. I am an engineering science major. I chose this course because I have always been fascinated by 2D animation. The cartoons from the 90s and early 2000s stick out in particular to me. My career goals are to become an automotive engineer and a graphic designer/ cartoonist. My favorite hobbies involve snowboarding and playing football.