Kayla Peterkin

2 posts

Kayla Peterkin WK 2 – Prompt 2

In terms of oral story telling , the first device which came to mind is none other than music . Music is certainly a form of story telling or conveying a message to the listener through an un-traditional approach . Though I enjoy the art of music , I also enjoy writing lyrics to express how I feel at times when Im having a hard time conveying my feelings directly . Music is similar to the examples given in the article by Zach Zorich and the film by Great Big Story in the way that they all tell a story . The examples are different in the delivery . One being a reading , another a film & music being an audible form of communication .

Kayla Peterkin W1

Hello ! My name is Kayla Peterkin . I decided to go with this class because it’s something unlike anything I’ve studied in my student career . Moving forward in this class , I look forward to learning more about early animation & its evolution leading to modern animation as we know it . I am currently studying & majoring in Digital Marketing . My career goals aren’t necessarily specific , I’d just like to continue to learn & connect with like minds . One fun fact about me is I absolutely hate cheese !