Daily Archives: September 12, 2024

6 posts

Miesha Chowdhury-Prompt 2

One of my favorite oral storytelling experiences was attending a storytelling festival. It was held outdoors, and storytellers from different cultures shared their tales. One of them, a man telling a West African fable, completely mesmerized the audience. He used his voice, facial expressions, and hand gestures to bring the story to life. I remember how his voice would rise and fall, pulling us deeper into the narrative, and how the audience was just as much a part of the experience as the storyteller. We gasped at the tense moments, laughed at the funny bits, and sat in awe during the moments of wonder.

Taylor Fields-Scott W2

I chose to answer Prompt 2.

Being an audience member at one of Gaspard Robertson’s “Fantasmagorie” shows in 1797 would have probably shocked me, initially considering the period but then I would have been amazed. Gaspard incorporated creepy animated puppets in combination with the ominous environment like smoke, and skulls on the walls to capture the horror. I enjoy horror now so I would have wanted to see this groundbreaking performance more often. I think the kind of entertainment that could elicit some of the same emotions is horror. The horror genre itself is so vast but slashers and paranormal are categories that could still scare and shock most people when done right.

Kayla Peterkin WK 2 – Prompt 2

In terms of oral story telling , the first device which came to mind is none other than music . Music is certainly a form of story telling or conveying a message to the listener through an un-traditional approach . Though I enjoy the art of music , I also enjoy writing lyrics to express how I feel at times when Im having a hard time conveying my feelings directly . Music is similar to the examples given in the article by Zach Zorich and the film by Great Big Story in the way that they all tell a story . The examples are different in the delivery . One being a reading , another a film & music being an audible form of communication .

Kristjan Pierre – Week 2 – Prompt 3

I imagine my response would encompass eagerness, shock, a little bit of fear, and a little bit of relief. I experience those same emotions when watching most of Christopher Nolan’s movies. In particular, The Prestige is a beautiful example of this. The story takes you on a wonderful journey. The major plot twist and climax of the movie certainly fall under horror. Simultaneously, frightening feelings are embraced because I also felt that there was an incredible lesson to be learned. Also, I just truly appreciated the attention to detail and art form. Lighting is extremely crucial in this movie too and I’m certain Gaspard Robertson would have appreciated this as well. I think both creators are notorious for pushing boundaries during their respective time periods.

Kristjan Pierre – Prompt 1

My name is Kristjan Pierre. I am an engineering science major. I chose this course because I have always been fascinated by 2D animation. The cartoons from the 90s and early 2000s stick out in particular to me. My career goals are to become an automotive engineer and a graphic designer/ cartoonist. My favorite hobbies involve snowboarding and playing football.

Wasif Awan W2

I have no doubt that being a part of one of Gaspard Robertson’s “Fantasmagorie” shows in 1797 would have been a terrifying experience, especially considering that France was in the midst of a bloody revolution at the time, which claimed many lives. The bloodshed occurring in France would undoubtedly heighten the show’s horror factor. With the method and technology he used for his shows being ahead of his time will definitely have me wondering whether or not those illusions are real. The same kinds of emotions could be evoked by horror films and television shows with jump scares.