Kwamel J Robinson

9 posts


2-D animation involves more labor and more budget. I see it as this- the longer a person takes to do something, the more money is needed to pay them for their work (working by the hour). There are other factors too but if we consider it from that standpoint- and also consider that 2-D animation means creating several frames to emphasize motion.. then it’d be time-consuming. In releasing Kitbull, a modern Disney short, work was more efficient and the cost was less. Sure, it was 2-D and it can contradict the point; knowing how it was made can make it easy for u to understand. In this sense, using 3-D for animation, as they did, made everything quicker and it involved less money. Its good because it means you don’t need to worry about your own skill for the expectation and etc.

I done research and found that some sequences in animated movies were reused. So it further proves my point in why 2-D animation began to be turned away from in demand for the industry.
An example of thriving 2-d Animation is Anime. I guess thats the fine line between Disney and Japanese animation- which makes it more appealing if you think about all the work put into making Anime.

In our current time, I start to realize that anime is taking the 3-D approach too. Like a anime called Chainsaw man. It used 3-D animation for fight scenes (Which appeared to take more effort as its more dynamic).


What is today’s most popular (in term of audience) Japanese animated TV show in the US? What genre does it belong to? What is the general storyline? On what platform is it distributed? Why do you think it resonates with American audiences? Is it as popular in Japan?

One piece is an example of what is popular now in terms of animation from Japan. It’s broadcasted mainly on streaming platforms- rare on Television. I think it resonates well with Americans, or anyone actually- because of the appeal it gives. The style is less like what we are have- ranging from serious stylization like Marvel and Dc to something as cartoony as Looney Tunes. With what is presented in Japan in terms of Animation, we can come to an understanding that they give off this appeal for beauty.
Another reason is the morals they execute. This is a personal opinion but Japanese animation seems to be very good for the youth- as in a way it gives us a sense of reality and ideals. That’s exactly what One piece does- as well as other Japanese animations.
Its genre is action and adventure!


Theres this coco cola commercial of 4 years ago. In it, we see how the coco cola bottle is being dragged by the kite across the world.
Its being seen as flying with colorful majestic birds (And they would mold it too! Like the coco cola bottle is being created by portrayals of what is seen as beautiful.

One of the processes of the coco cola bottle. Its undergoing stages to become its perfect and what we all known to be as the coco cola.

The coco cola is symbolized as perfect- undergoing stages similarly to what a butterfly is. As it goes along the animation, we see how its in the focus of the camera. Theres no dialogue but the sound is very peaceful and thrilling(??) like its exciting sorta.


I liked this film. It’s actually my favourite one!

“The hand” is a representation of what it means to oppress something- in this sense, the government. The puppet represents an artist and the clay being manipulated represents art- or virtually anything in the matter. As we navigate through the film, we see how the hand only intervenes and creates standards that the puppet must obey- limiting it from broadening their sense of creativity. When the puppet fails to reach the standard, a black gloved hand appears to take action.

My favourite part in the scene is where the puppet lost its human qualities in deciding for itself. It does what it was asked to do forcingly- becoming the puppet. And when it became the puppet, it became lifeless like the puppet is- depending on a hand to decide for it.
This posed issue to the gov’t since it addresses how a gov’t such as Szechoslovakia was very oppressive.

KWAMEL, ROBINSON W7” “Journal Entry – Week 7”

Analysis: In “Bury the Axis”, we see what was represented as the Nazi leader, Hitler, and Stalin (If I recall from my history)- working together. I couldn’t understand much from the film. The words I understood most were from other characters, however, Hitler’s sounded jibberish. Was that to influence the audience to believe he only spoke foolishness? To make them think that he was just filled with too much pride but no intelligence behind it? I see that he was defeated twice, middle and in the end when he tried to challenge the United States, Great Britain, China, and Soviet Union. As I went further into the film, I noticed that it humored me to hear Hitler speak- the same way anyone would feel if they heard a madmen yelling random things.

Answer: Hiter is presented as a overly confident individual who speaks nothing but foolery. Its prevalent by how he speaks (Not understandable and quick) and how he is shown (attracting the support of ducks). Stalin or whoever that person is, is being portrayed as a obedient dog that got picked up by Hitler. The animator only shows that whoever follows the two foolish people will lose at their hands. As propaganda back then only emphasized how our country required men to go out and be heroes and etc, we see in this one how the United States is superior in the face of another enemy.We can also see a attempt to solidify the cooperation of other countries. In Momotaro no Uwiwashi, i had to look it up since I couldnt find it. In it, we see that one side (Japan) is represented by animals who are bombing the shit of a American. What I found funny was that they was represented with a small head and a wide body. Furthermore, how they held a beer bottle in the situation of being bombed overhead by a jet. Clearly, both sides make eachother look inferior and dull. They also express themselves as smart and more rational.

Kwamel Robinson- Week 4

The short film I will choose is called “Opus I”. The reason for choosing this is due to how aesthetic and eye-catching it was at first glance. You are given an array of colors and shapes that is accompanied with music. This creates a flow in my mind that relaxes me- sorta like how some people resort to measures for stress relief- orchestra sometimes soothes my mind of it’s stress and troubles.

I may have forgot the outline part. I’m unsure of that part. if you do see this, can you respond to this so I can know what to add?

Robinson, Kwamel [Week 3]

Films were based mainly on print comics because it was widely used as a way to storyboard animations, in their planning, before converting into animation. Furthermore, it was easier because some visual aid as to what should be in the scene, how one should look and etc, can allow for production to be easier. In fact, that’s one of the advantages of using comics because already, you’re given an idea of what to visualize. Versus readings, you will have to resort to your imagination to visualize how a scene should look.

Week 2- Kwamel Robinson

Prompt 3:

I could imagine myself at his shows in 1797. Why I could do so- its because I have this ambition to make animations myself. I was on youtube and i seen this video of one of his shows ( ) and I found the experience of the show to be enticingly unique. He used stop motion to portray a creative vision in his head that continuously captured my attention because of how random it was.
I’d compare it to thriller because of the fact it captured my attention the more I watched it.

Robinson, Kwamel W1

Please tell us a bit about yourself. What is your name? Why did you pick this course? Is there a particular genre/era/type of animation you’re interested in learning more about? What is your major? What are your career goals? Include a few fun facts about yourself (hobbies? pets? favorite food?)

My name is Kwamel Robinson. I am 19 and I live in NY, Astoria. I picked this course because initially, I wanted to become an animator- to be specific, for anime. My major is Animation and Motion graphics. My career goals is still in planning. A few fun facts is that I like drawing, singing and I am the 2nd oldest in my household.