Yuliya Shneyderman’s Profile

Active 18 hours, 19 minutes ago
1 to 7 (of 7 total)
Academic Senate

Academic Senate

Christopher Stein

The online community for the BMCC Academic Senate.

Queer Pride Alliance at BMCC/LGBTQIA+ Resources

brian kelley

This is a community space for LGBTQIA+/queer members of the BMCC community to locate resources, build networks of support and mentorship, and share experiences.

Rainbow Panthers Club

Rainbow Panthers Club

Yuliya Shneyderman

Our mission is to To provide a safe and supportive environment for lgbtqia BMCC students and their cisgender and a heterosexual allies. Meetings: Wednesdays, 2pm / Meeting details will be sent upon signing up […]

BMCC Health Education Department

Lesley Rennis

This community is for faculty, staff, and students of the BMCC HED Department. The Department will use this site to communicate essential information.

Teaching on the OpenLab

Teaching on the OpenLab

Gina Cherry

A place for BMCC faculty who are teaching (or considering teaching) on the OpenLab to connect and share ideas. Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

Summer 2022 Anti-racist Pedagogy Seminar: Transforming the Classroom

Summer 2022 Anti-racist Pedagogy Seminar: Transforming the Classroom

Professor Grant

The Anti-racist Pedagogy Project is committed to increasing faculty and staff knowledge and awareness of the issues of overt, systemic and institutional racism, implicit bias and microaggressions and supporting […]

BLA Trauma Informed Pedagogy Workshop Summer 2020

Jen Longley

This community is open to all interested in trauma informed teaching and learning, but was designed for the BLA Trauma Informed Pedagogy August 2020 workshop series.